Few wave-rules of mine:
1)If you wave to pig-shed-ninety, the driver will look at you like you were from Vega...
2)If you wave to make-up-blonde-driven factory disco/range - you're from Vega for sure
3)3rd/4th generation discos/ranges never notice your existence as they from Vega usually, where you're not... so waving is pointless... ...however...
4)All series wave
5)Most defs wave
6)All roof-rackers, winch-bearers, spot-lighters, HDbumperers and snorkelers wave for sure - so never hesitate.
7)Always wave back, even to Vegans. Just watch out for waving cops. They wave with purpose.
8)Never wave back to children - you may end up in Vega for real.

1)If you wave to pig-shed-ninety, the driver will look at you like you were from Vega...
2)If you wave to make-up-blonde-driven factory disco/range - you're from Vega for sure
3)3rd/4th generation discos/ranges never notice your existence as they from Vega usually, where you're not... so waving is pointless... ...however...
4)All series wave
5)Most defs wave
6)All roof-rackers, winch-bearers, spot-lighters, HDbumperers and snorkelers wave for sure - so never hesitate.
7)Always wave back, even to Vegans. Just watch out for waving cops. They wave with purpose.
8)Never wave back to children - you may end up in Vega for real.