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Hi All
After sleeping on it and rereading my posts, I think I could of worded them a bit better. But thats all said now.
Two things thathave been thinking about
1. If BBS was to open the support forum to all existing owners V1 and evolution. these owners could help BBS develope the tool because they will beable to tell BBS right away what bugs do exist. Saving BBS time in fault finding.
2. As we all know once your an LR owner your always a LR owner. So todays D2 owners will be tomorrows D3/4 owners. If BBS was to give us the "warm fuzzy Feeling " now and good service I for one would look at buying his products in the future. So he could generate future customers.
Also I just had a read through the posts on the Defender forum and seen that we're not the only forum with concerns.
The Nanocom is a good tool and I hope with the support from BBS it will become a GREAT tool.
I think it will become a great tool as BBS have the means to take it to the next level if they are alowed by us the customer to do so.
I think the BBS forum thing is well gone to be honest, this thread killed that
@ fanatic, thanks for the pointer on the Nominet deal, ive contacted them and for 12 quid all was sorted