I think people are getting the wrong end of the stick about what we are aiming to do with nort.
We are a group who met on landyzone and have been out laning together quite a lot. We find we all get along fine and seem to to be able to put up with each other and always have fun laning together/getting ****ed on an evening

We some how seem to get a lot of stick when we go out laning because we didnt take the whole of lz newbies along with us. sometimes we feel 2 groups could be run and others only one and if only one group of 6 is run and there are 6 of us there are no spaces left, simples.
We are simply lz members the same as everyone else, we cant all make the same weekends away together so let other people tag along.
We have sugested having landzone organised trips but the response was negative, and after 1 outing with other lz members one of us encounted recently where people decided that hills and other tracks where more fun than the actual lanes them selves, with total disregard or contempt for others and under no ruling of anyone but them selves we decided to do things a different way. The way being by way of organised trips in groups of 6 two of which would be any two of us, so that way we could install rules and try to educate, ie not wandering where ever they felt just because there is mud over that way. We always follow strict glass guidlines and support the tread lightly campaign and will show others that way.
Now by doing this it means we will be doing it with just the two of us, somtimes doing lanes we wouldnt normally do (ie if taking anyone new) this isnt what the 6 of us enjoy doing as a group so as individuals we are each taking groups on a trip that costs us money... Would you do it???
I guess the answer is NO. So as for charging for such events then what is everyones problem????
I will tell you. It seems eveyone wants to join in on our outings, have as much fun as we do, contribute fook all (and i dont just mean money)expect us to recover them back to a destination of their choice if they break down, repair their vehicles en route using any spares we carry, cook their food at camp as "oh we forgot to bring ours" and buy all their beers in the pub cos they decide they are tired when it comes to their round(usually after 6-8 pints have been bought for them) and hold their hands the whole way round, So if any one feels that we at NORT are not offering value for money please feel free to get in touch.
Now as for "The lads" green laning fun that will continue and if any one would like to coment on any of the "fun" weve had then fine. We look forward to putting our names on the list for your trips should you ever organise one.
So as for anyone else who feels they just need to have a trip out with us as lz members then put your name down, or you could just organise an event yourself and invite us, Lets see how many invites we get.
Rant over