Lol brill haha.... well I've put the new bumper on and looks well tidy put the cibie spot lights on there too and got the winch on aswell but had to cut the s/s grill as this bumper sits in more ..

looking well cool

... but got other probs now ;( Was at at me m8s the wkend and hap to looked at the back o/s back wheel only to find there was only two bolts left holding the drive shaft in

....sooooo we tried to take them out.. one broke so yeah just one holding it .... **** **** **** an I had to get back from wolve back to Wales so had to then try n drill them out

got two out then we ****ed up could not get the drill bits to stop snaping off to halfords to get some more **** me £10 for some **** ones ****s ended up snaping some of them and ****ed the thred up aswell so not good wkend for me at all ..had to put bigger bolts in and yep it got me home ... But on the way home **** me again the ****ing landy played up it was stalling all the ****ing way home like there was no f-ing fuel drove 800yds then stall started it again drove another 8to9 yds and it would do it again more **** **** **** I just want to get home an set fire to it lol 4hrs it took me from wolve to llandod over took a tractor then broke down so it went back passed got it going again so left the tractor go on a bit b4setin off again ohhh yeah the hills on the way home was fun ---- not so got to get out there today in this f-ing ****in down rain n try n fix the f-ing thing

one life **** it with a landrover lol I'm thinking it's got to be the fuel pump or the pump stop yeah ....