Hi, I’m back and still no car. Land Rover have told me the following:
- The engine is seized solid, unable to turn crankshaft either direction, found swarf and foreign residue in oil. Requires engine replacement.
- Transfer box has no oil in it and its front output seal melted, requires replacement of transfer box.
Cost to replace the engine and other parts is over £18,000 plus vat so that’s the car written off.
Land Rover are testing the oil to see what the foreign substance is but I can only presume it’s the DPF cleaning agent. The DPF guy replied to their findings saying the exhaust filter light was on when he came out and that it had nothing to do with him but my reply is that 2 minutes of him driving the car after him putting the cleaner through my car it lost all power. Can’t be just a coincidence as I had full power before?
Hoping to her back from Land Rover this week.
Remember this is a car that’s only done 60,000 miles.
Cost me £60,000 for the car 6 years ago, a pound a mile!
Because it’s only done low mileage Land Rover are going to see if they will help contribute to the repair but I can’t see them doing anything.
Land Rover have a terrible reputation for their engines blowing up and their second hand prices have fallen so much recently, especially with their cars being the number 1 cars stolen in the UK. My insurance used to always be under £500 and last year the cheapest I could find was £1900.
All this said I think I’ve paid a massive price for using a cleaning company that’s basically fuc#ed my car and I’ve lost a car that was worth £25k.
Now have to find money to start all over again as I have nothing to trade in and been off work for 6 months with blood clots

They say bad news usually comes in threes
What’s your thoughts people?