If you test a vcu outside of its linear response you will not get precise comparable times.
The origional idea of the test was to collate results. This didn't happen fast enough so the next best thing to do is test yer own vcu regular, to see if its result times start to change. If they do then something is happening...
The length of bar (pivot to weight distance) and the weight used, make up the force applied during the test.
Bar length x weight x angular velocity = force in Nm
A 1.2m bar with 5kg provides:
1.2 x 5 x 9.8 = 59Nm, which isn't enough force to test a vcu in its linear responce.
If you wish to use 5kg you need to make the bar longer, at nearly 2 meters to apply the ideal force.
The graph below shows the responce of a vcu with various weights on a 1.2meter bar. The graph is made up of two parts. A curve section and a straight line section, joined together. The straight line section is where you need to test the vcu. It will provide a regular reliable time which is comparable. The straight line section is where the vcu test times provide a clear linear proportional responce.
OneWheelUpTestResultGraph 3paXgcc
If you test a vcu on the curved section you are testing it where it doesn't provide a linear responce. Times measured will vary by up to a third. Occasionally more. You will not get comparable consistent results. That is why peeps post up times which vary by up to a third. When repeating the same test straight away, result times vary by too much. Its a pointless result if this happens.
The OWUT One Wheel Up Test is designed to apply a known force to the vcu. That force must be greater than 90Nm. The easy figure to use is the origional 8kg weight on a 1.2m bar.
1.2 x 8 x 9.8 = 94Nm
If you test in the linear section of the graph you will get more reliable results.
When you first start the test you have to start the bar turning just before 45 degrees. This is to allow the force applied to take up the strain and start applying said force to the vcu, to overcome its internal resistance against the force applied. 5kg at 1.2m only applies two thirds of the force needed. This means the way you let go of the weight before 45 degrees has a potentially more noticeable affect/importance on the result. Drop it to start and it will kick start the test and provide a faster time as the force applied becomes initially stronger. Let go gently and the time will decrease. Faster times are created by tricking the force applied into being more forceful. It's hard to put into words. You don't get the same problem when testing in the linear section with enough force, where increases in force applied don't change the result time by much. But a failing vcu will give a more noticeably result time which stands out.
There are too many peeps changing their vcu for recon's only to find the variation in test times by not applying enough force during the test, means your recon and old vcu can provide the same test time.
When a working vcu starts to fail its time will increase noticeably. You don't get this if yer not applying enough force. Theres too much room for variation in results if yer not putting enough force on the vcu.
A vcu only needs to be turned one full rotation for it to mix the fluid inside fully. The Turnip Test is also a valid test to perform.
When applying force to a vcu you have to overcome its internal resistance against that force, in order to test it. The force applied is whats needed to turn the vcu. To do this we apply enough force to test in the linear section of the graph. To ensure a fair test we start the bar turning just before 45 degrees in order to start turning the vcu before the test starts.
If you apply 94Nm of torque (8kg on a 1.2meter bar) or more you will be applying enough force to the vcu to be able to test it in its straight line linear section of the graph where applied force gives a proportional result. Hence why 8kg on a 1.2m bar is preferred.