I have not removed/fitted a prop shaft in its separate pieces, so I can't say for sure, but I would agree with Nodge that it would be far simpler to install it in combined - using blocks/jack to lift and support the pieces. I would probably fit the VCU first though and then the 2 ends to the IRD & diff.
The link above from Hippo has lots of useful into in there. You may get a bit lost in there though finding the bits that are useful. For example, you may contemplate the bits about removing the support bearings from the VCU & fitting them - however, if you are getting a recon VCU from Bells, it is best to get new support bearings as well and Bells will supply them prefitted - you can also send your unit back with the bearings still attached.
It is a shame that you didn't post this before you split the UJs to separate the props from the VCU. There is info in that link to show you how to do it. I've used that method and it takes some blind faith and heavy hitting with a hammer, but it works

Here's a video I and others have used as advice for doing the job.
Good luck, you sound like you are more than capable of achieving what you need to.