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New Member
yeah i know, already done to death, im sure, but i cant find anything..

i want a cheap as possible, road legal but mud biasd tyres to lob on my disco, so it copes a bit better when on the muddy stuff, what do you reccommend?
search.....you'll find...
done to death..resurrected..death...resurrected.....the circle of tyres..
i've already searched this forum and go no relevant results, and i really want personal experiences from people that know what they're talking about. is that not what a forum is for?
i've already searched this forum and go no relevant results, and i really want personal experiences from people that know what they're talking about. is that not what a forum is for?

buy cheap buy twice and radials are stronger and some use kavalar if there side wall .

Plus they are **** on wet roads
i've already searched this forum and go no relevant results, and i really want personal experiences from people that know what they're talking about. is that not what a forum is for?

Indeed it is,however when its a question thats been asked more times than there is types of tyre it gets boring. Don't use the site search,use google and all answers will be found.
yeah, thats great, gives me a list of tyres for sale, no personal experiences of how well they work....
you tend to get what you pay for you want cheap they wont be good on road ok if you dont push it but not good . hows that . no one will recomend crap and thats what you get for cheap , follow me ?
yeah, thats great, gives me a list of tyres for sale, no personal experiences of how well they work....

Last thing Im going to add to this pointless trolling. When you find a tyre you like the look of-google it and see what comes up,you might just find what your after...
who said anything about crap. many walks of like you can buy something for a bit less than a premium brand and have it do everything you need it too.

but then if this^^^^^^^^ is how you treat people who are new here, simply want advice from people whi know what they are talking about and not be called a troll for doing so (or worse as i have seen some real abuse in other threads...) then i don't think i want to be a member here. bye. im off somewhere more welcoming. shame, i thought i liked it here. ive just pmd a mod to delete my account, but i dont care if they do or not, as i have changed my password and email addy to ones that dont exist.
but then if this^^^^^^^ is how you treat people who are new here, simply want advice from people whi know what they are talking about and not be called a troll for doing so (or worse as i have seen some real abuse in other threads...) then i don't think i want to be a member here. bye. im off somewhere more welcoming. shame, i thought i liked it here. ive just pmd a mod to delete my account, but i dont care if they do or not, as i have changed my password and email addy to ones that dont exist.

Translated to

I'm stroppy, very very very stroppy and no one gave me an answer and I'm stroppy :Cry: so I'm going to scream and shout and throw my toys out the pram on my way out

Don't let the door hit you on the way out