total lockout

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mozz smith

Well-Known Member
tameside manchester
:welcome2:hi , need urgent response . where can i get replacement batteries for key fob tonite as fob is dead and have tried folling the book guide and now on 30 minute lock out again after 3 failed attempts .. any imput on what to rectify would be greatly appreciated :mad::mad: cheers mozz
heat yer old battery/fob up. If I go out to someone who needs a fob battery but either have no money on em or are too tight arsed to buy a battery from me I chuck their keys on my dash and turn the heater to full heat. It only takes a couple of mins to get most of em working again.;)
i threw mine in the thames! made the most irritating clicky whining noise... reminded me of an ex i used to have :D
you may have a point there, she was a bit of a goth. she was mega weird though... liked hot candle wax dripping on her and other odd ****!
god knows what happened to the fruitcake... probably some dubstep dj or a squatmonster or summat now... i do however know some fantastic slags... mrs fleck hates them and denies facebook access ;)
i have some here in Salford you can have if you are really stuck and get to me in another car.

hi goodfella cheers mate but ive found out i can get em at local supermarket asda but cos ive tried and tried to unlock i.e. drivers handbook system so i can get mobile to asda and replace batteries there i dont know why it wont unlock immobiliser and engine immobiliser so at moment im still knackered and desperate ??????????????? any ideas on the book system ???? cheers mozz
I have had to use the unlock code before on one of my previous P38's it took me a couple of goes before I worked out what I was suppossed to do. But then again I've always had problems with my left and rights.
Also are you sure you have the correct code for your car.
I've used the book system for EKA a few times in the last few days with my battery leads being on and off every day and it has worked fine for me. I take it the code you have has worked before? I have taken time to input the code to ensure the key returns to centre after every turn rather than rush it and on the last turn when the door unlocks I've put the key in the ignition and its cleared ok.