The Sunday Legal Surgery

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go - on givvus a glimmer of a clue ;)

Not funny my friend !!!!;)

I was changing a down lighter bulb in my kitchen on saturday morning, i slipped and fell with the bulb in my hand, it smashed as i hit the deck and ripped my palm wide open !!!!:mad:

I pulled the big bit's of glass out, wrapped my hand in a towel and drove to A&E 8 miles away, by the time i got there, the white towel was red and dripping claret !!!!!:(

They stitched the wound up and sent me home after 5 hours !!!:(

I went back this morning to have it re-dressed, they saw that it was swollen and that 4 of the stitches were ripping the skin, so they've removed 4 of them and bandaged me up again !!!!:(

So im sat at home now, with orders to take it easy !!!!:cool:
sorry to hear it Rets - but I dont believe yu didnt expect the odd comment :D
time to sit back with a small glass and relax.
Take it easy - duz that mean no driving - or no laying concrete? surely yu can still do some stuff to earn a bob or two?
sorry to hear it Rets - but I dont believe yu didnt expect the odd comment :D
time to sit back with a small glass and relax.
Take it easy - duz that mean no driving - or no laying concrete? surely yu can still do some stuff to earn a bob or two?

Ive had more than the "odd coment" all weekend from my family and dear friends !!!!;) :D

It would appear that sympathy is in short supply in Derbyshire !!!!:rolleyes:

I can still drive (the Disco is automatic) but i cant go out on the motorbike and the weather here yesterday was biker heavan !!!!:mad:

Im doin a bit of work from home this week, No court duties or pain in the arse moaning clients !!! ah bliss !!!:D
How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb then...................?

S'funny you spend so much time getting stitched up by nurses too ain't it Rets?

Ive already had that one thanks Marcus !!!!;) :D

As for the nurse, Well "HE" did have a nice smile i suppose !!! LOL:D
Are but I can change a light bulb un assisted!!! In fact I changed 2 in my kitchen tonite..........and oooohh look I can still use both my hands and I still have vertigo!!! So stick that in your legal pipe and smoke it!!!!
Are but I can change a light bulb un assisted!!! In fact I changed 2 in my kitchen tonite..........and oooohh look I can still use both my hands and I still have vertigo!!! So stick that in your legal pipe and smoke it!!!!

Think ive hit a raw nerve again with cats !!!:rolleyes: :D
Rets, there are 3 or 4 kids riding those mimi moto 2 stroke bikes in a fields adjacent to our house. They have been doing it for months on and off. I went out weeks ago and asked them if they had permission from the farmer and they said yes. The bikes make a hell of a din riding around for hours on end. Even though the land owner (a tenant farmer) has give then permission to be there, are they allowed to ride bikes round the field. I have also caught then on a bridleway and a public footpath. They have to cross over a footpath to get into the field as well. The bikes are not road legal. Was wondering whre I stand in the matter? Cheers
ffs kids playing and yer getting the hump!! why not stop them enjoying themselves and force them to take up vandalisism to pass the time. ya miserable fook
hang on guys - at least it is a half sensible question. Even if yu dont like it :D

try the noise abatement mob at ya local counsil.

oops - soz Rets :( (but I'm cheepa)
Rets, there are 3 or 4 kids riding those mimi moto 2 stroke bikes in a fields adjacent to our house. They have been doing it for months on and off. I went out weeks ago and asked them if they had permission from the farmer and they said yes. The bikes make a hell of a din riding around for hours on end. Even though the land owner (a tenant farmer) has give then permission to be there, are they allowed to ride bikes round the field. I have also caught then on a bridleway and a public footpath. They have to cross over a footpath to get into the field as well. The bikes are not road legal. Was wondering whre I stand in the matter? Cheers

If they have permission from the tennant farmer to ride them in the field, then your options are very limited,

1, make the land owner aware of what is hapening on his land.

2, grass them upto the police for causing excesive disruption and noise.

Either way i think you will get your windows put thru.

My advice would be to let them get it out of there system, sooner or later they will stop.
We have them here on the park, We phone the police on a hot line no and they come and take them home, they used to confiscate them but we thought that was a tad harsh. Why dont they make them quiet then no one would mind at all.
Cheers Nick.
Thanks Rets. So you wouldn,t mind then ridding next to your place then Slob I suppose; a true petrol head.
We have them here on the park, We phone the police on a hot line no and they come and take them home, they used to confiscate them but we thought that was a tad harsh. Why dont they make them quiet then no one would mind at all.
Cheers Nick.

A park is a public place my friend, A farmers field is not.;)

Its all a matter of public liability, if theres a public right of way or a bridal path crossing the land, then you may be able to get it sorted.