Got started this afternoon after work on prepping the disco for the chassis splittening.
First issue was the... considerable... amount of mud in and around everything on the chassis.
Dragged it into the wash bay, using the appropriate, totally not overkill equipment, for a hot jet wash.
Then took it in to make puddles inside the shed.
First I deleted the air compressor, hoses, brackets and accoutrements. I've saved the compressor itself with the vague notion of turning it into a tyre inflator in the unlikely event that this thing is ever back in one piece.
I pulled the back 2 sections of exhaust out. It's in decent nick but appears to be original, the back box is stamped 7/99!
Peeled up the loom and the fuel hoses and tied them off forward of the gearbox to keep them out of harm's way.
I was pleased to discover that under 1 3/4 inches of mud I appear to have a centre difflock shaft which moves with the aid of a spanner, I'll be bodging some sort of lever onto this to use in the future as I trust the traction control about as much as I would trust the dog not to eat ham left on the floor.
Cleaned it up a bit and it moves well between the detents with a satisfying thunk. Bargain.
Dog Tax, from work this morning.
The fuel filter housing fought me a bit but eventually came off.
Finally, I siphoned out most of the diesel and pulled the fuel tank, meaning that the suspension is more or less the only thing that needs to come apart at the back before the divorce.
Those rear brake lines are pretty crap and have obviously been replaced at some point with 'bend it yourself' line that was just laid on the chassis and not secured into the clips already provided on the chassis.
I'm probably going to just replace both the hard lines and the flexis all round as they're not in the best nick and I suspect that trying to remove them will break all the fittings.
It took bloody hours but it's looking more possible now than it was this morning.
I'll pick this up tomorrow and see where we can get.
On today's episode of 'things that were stored in the ocean':
Glad the front half looks substantially better...
I also managed to have a quick look at the body and figure out what was causing the passenger carpet to get wet.
Don't make me have to explain the joke.