The defender club wave

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Do wave?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 98.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%

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Active Member
Ok, So i have had the defender a few months (i think!) and even on the first day of ownership i got 'the wave'. I hope you know what I'm talking about - whenever another defender is out i get a wave, and of course I wave back! I used to get this with the honda del sol - but they are a rare car and you hardly ever saw another one! I have even had one of the local farmers stop and have a chat to me on the side of the road when i first got it!

I think there is something so egalitarian about defenders - and i like that - for all their foibles.

So my question to you is - do you wave?!
Yes, not only is there a lot of waving, but there's usually a couple of active threads about waving on Landyzone. As they drop down the list, someone usually starts another.
haha that is brilliant! I now feel much better informed on the appropriate 'properness' of the wave!
I wave everytime but have to admit I don't always get waved back at...

I find If I leave the 52" led light bar on a night atleast 90% of oncoming cars wave in some form or another...
I wave everytime but have to admit I don't always get waved back at...

I find If I leave the 52" led light bar on a night atleast 90% of oncoming cars wave in some form or another...
Haha very good, I had an old giffer leave his main beam n coming towards me a couple of months ago so he had the main beam and the light bar treatment and when I came past his he was sat with his hands over his eyes:p
haha! i have wanted to do that sometimes - these plebs who dont give a thought to anyone else....almost worth installing a light bar just for that!!
haha! i have wanted to do that sometimes - these plebs who dont give a thought to anyone else....almost worth installing a light bar just for that!!
It's like turning the sun back on and mine's only a 31" I keep toying with getting a 52" but there's always something else the breaks:(

haha! i have wanted to do that sometimes - these plebs who dont give a thought to anyone else....almost worth installing a light bar just for that!!
When we go off roading Fri or sat nights we get home about 3-4am and I drive home with the light bar on all the way I just love lighting everywhere up I don't even feel slightly bad for the people who live directly infront of my full beam in the cul-de-sac hehe.. When an oncoming car comes and I turn the full beam off its as if I'm driving by candle light... Well worth the money
It's customary for members in one waving thread to wave at members in another waving thread as they pass each other :D:D
Unless its a Gaylander hairdryer waving thread (and because we don't wave at them out of principle anyway (other gestures are available)).
I'm having to cut back on the waving a little. I'm already grinning like an idiot every time I drive the fabulous thing. And then a return wave just makes me smile even more and by the time I've finished a run I have stretch marks on my face like a nuns knickers !;)
Ok, So i have had the defender a few months (i think!) and even on the first day of ownership i got 'the wave'. I hope you know what I'm talking about - whenever another defender is out i get a wave, and of course I wave back! I used to get this with the honda del sol - but they are a rare car and you hardly ever saw another one! I have even had one of the local farmers stop and have a chat to me on the side of the road when i first got it!

I think there is something so egalitarian about defenders - and i like that - for all their foibles.

So my question to you is - do you wave?!
Alas I don't wave now.. I always did but since moving to the countryside the farmers are too busy fondling sheep or summit as they just don't do it.
Farmers are notorious non-wavers, this could be due to copious amounts of cow and sheep poo causing their hands to stick to the steering wheel. Either that or they think you're a muppet for driving what is obviously a utility vehicle just for fun. New shininess don't wave often either, possibly for one of two reasons 1) As babes to the world of Landying they haven't yet learned how to effect an appropriate wave 2) Their head is up their ass so they don't see you coming. Old school from 90s and 110s to Series I invariably wave - this will probably be, as stated above, due to their genuine sympathy for your shared affliction. Newer Defenders with bolt on extras almost always wave to make sure you notice all their bolt on extras and cause you to curse bitterly all the way home that you have to spend all your money on running repairs and maintenance and can't afford any bolt on extras of your own. Some Freelander, Disco and later Range Rover anomalies often mistake your hand gesture for a friendly wave, don't be alarmed if they wave back, it's not catching. Happy to say very few 90s fail to wave back at mine - but that could well be because they're attempting to draw my attention to the oil wake behind me.

Yes - sadly all my money has been spend on boring mechanicals! Latest splurge - door hinges & fitting