The defender club wave

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Do wave?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 98.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
For a laugh we did a survey on this and counted the number of return waves over a 6 month period.

A wave was issued to every Defender driver we passed.

Positive return waves = 70%

Non returns = 30%.

To sum up our findings: (not a definitive statement but one based upon our experiences and therefore unreservedly our own opinion)

Men made up most of the returns and were generally happy to nod in place of a wave or finger lift. Women were less likely to return in the positive and never nodded acknowledgement with or without a wave. Probably somat to do with keeping eyebrows, hair, finger nails/ancillaries and other stuff in place?...we guess?

90% of non-waves = Farmers or those involved in agricultural pursuits during daylight hours.

The 30% non-returns also include new Defender drivers. Assumption made that they are too wealthy to mingle with the hoi polloi due to their fancy bulging bonnet parts and deep pockets?

Modded older Defenders came in tops with the most returns. Chequer plate, lights, aggressive footprint and body lifts bode well for a good waver. Not to mention non factory paint jobs with proud oil leaks. These wavers are generally the ones you spend hours chatting to at your local Tesco petrol station p*ssing the f*ck out of the Audi TT waiting behind... Bless.

A survey was also carried out on the Defender trailer towing subculture.

Significantly, those towing trailers of the equine variety never waved or nodded whatsof*cking ever. Add in the female Defender driver dynamic to this equation and returns fall into the unusual “minus” factor i.e.) Aggression triggered in the waver due to the wavee being stuck up its own arse. These anomalies tended to be confined to the agricultural and female groups above with a majority crossover into the non-waving new Defender category.
66% of boat trailers waved but those towing dive boats (RIBs) emulated the horsey lot and didn't bother returning any acknowledgement. Farm trailers sit in the category above as non-wavers.
Defender drivers dragging Land Rover and other vehicles around were the most cooperative. We even had a positive finger lift from a 110 caravan dragger westbound on the A30 east of Camborne which was unusual… but nice.

But....way and above all non-wavers is that special breed that is the utility worker Defender driver. Wave at a Western Power Defender and you may as well put your hand into a sausage grinder. In fact that’s probably more productive.

One important point to make is that the waver in our vehicle was always the driver and did NOT involve the passenger as well as this would be wrong on all levels.
Why is it wrong for the passenger to wave? My wife waves to Series/Defenders; she is about as keen on Landies as I am.We drive around in a 109 Station Wagon.
I think that there must be a farmer around where I live with a green defender as I can get waved at by various tractor drivers and other folk who are driving random vehicles. There's also a few female defender drivers who wave but that is cos I is so fit :D
Why is it wrong for the passenger to wave? My wife waves to Series/Defenders; she is about as keen on Landies as I am.We drive around in a 109 Station Wagon.
My wife too, she loves our Landy but with both of us waving frantically it seems to us as we look like a pair of lunatics, one needs a little decorum. ;)
My 4 1/2 year old daughter, who sits up front with me, waves at Series, 90/110s and Defenders. She recognises Discos and Jeeps, but refers to them as "a bit like a Land Rover, but not a proper Land Rover". Daddy's got her well trained!
Out of the mouth of babes :)
This is funny and totally true, its only the farmers around here and the girls who always seem scared driving (probably because they fear a breakdown) who do not wave.

Oddly this is the 4th car we have owned that causes automatic waving, the other 3 were a 2cv, SmartCar and MGTF. Two gutless and one with head gasket issues, maybe the wave is inherent to slow cars or ones with reliability issues?