I'm asking again cos it seems you didnt get my question, or you did?
no he didnt, just that IMO you dont undertsand what an addaptive strategy is and that the Td5 ECU has different strategies:
1. for cold start
2. for hot start
3. for idle/wide open throttle
4. for acceleration
(for 1 and 2 the ECU uses mapped information stored in EEPROM and only CKP, ECT and FT readings) and all the abobe are part of the addaptive strategy when MAF reading will be used
amongst all the other sensors and compared to stored mapped information as
to calculate optimal fuelling for acceleration...that's why they are sluggish with bad MAF or the EGT goes in the sky not cos the ECU is "confused"
then i asked
if it isnt so for petrol engines too?(I mean the bolded pat in the first quoted theory) which i agree with but you started to be rude again without answering to that... cos then
so aply your first theory to the second one and explain how will be airflow on a petrol engine without any RPM then to calculate the ratio?... and dont tell me again how the diesel or petrol engine is throttled PLEASE
, i'm speaking about apples and you about pears here
i won't contradict you ever about how the ENGINE is throttled but better dont contest something which is demonstrated by a skilled electronist with graphics and live readings(not me, the reverse engineering guy).... unless you can contradict those studies with others of the same kind.