TD4 Gear stick shake?

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New Member
Bourne, Lincolnshire

Just got me first freelander

Went for a 2003 TD4 GS 5 door

It has done roughly 71000 miles and I have a couple of questions!

Firstly should the gearstick shake vigously in first and second gear upon acceleration? The acceleration is quite smooth but you can feel what I can best describe as juddering coming up the gear stick/clutch pedal:(

Secondly when you turn the steering wheel it makes a kind of a wierd squeeking noice, like a rubbing perhaps I don't know!:confused:

Anybody got any ideas?


Like I just found out.
start with the simple things and eliminate as ya go;)

Thought I was in for a trip to the main dealer when my hippo took a dislike to deep water and the engine management light came on.
Turns out I had waterlogged the sparkers :D

All I have to do now is get that damn light to go out:D

Wheres that ammer:rolleyes:
Did You get any reply on this?

Secondly when you turn the steering wheel it makes a kind of a wierd squeeking noice, like a rubbing perhaps I don't know!:confused:

Mine is making a noise that sounds similar! I checked the vcu( jacked one wheel and tried to turn it, should move slowly etc) that all seems fine. It's just as you say a weird noise. mine does it mostly when full right lock is on.

Anybody any ideas?
Hi Darrnw

I got a reply that it could possibly be a engine mount, but got home early today and took the freebie to a independant Land Rover specialist, and they suspect something else, namely the Gearbox linkage! so now I am completely confused, have you had some thoughts on it then?

Oh by the way I turned the steering wheel on a X reg TD4 while i was there and it made the same wierd noise, they reckon it is just the way the steering wheel is bolted to the column, reasuring?

The Mad Hat Man said:
take the bulb out?;)

I bin sumwat unreliably informed that...............................
if ya disconnect the battery for a couple of minutes it wipes the mem on the puter. Then if ya reconnects it and ya have solved the problem, the stored fault is gorn and the light... it goes out so it does :rolleyes:

Bees that right?:confused:
norjon29 said:
Thats great but what about my gearstick problem!:confused:

Comon this was a thread for a gearbox issue:D

Sorry Norjon :eek:
Only time I ever had the sort of problem you is describin was in a normal front wheel drive road car and it was definately the engine mounts :rolleyes:
I would be checkin all the rubbery bits underneath first before anyfink else
But then I aint no mechanic. Just my thoughts on this ;)
norjon29 said:
Hi Darrnw

Oh by the way I turned the steering wheel on a X reg TD4 while i was there and it made the same wierd noise, they reckon it is just the way the steering wheel is bolted to the column, reasuring?


Like I said earlier on this. I had this. Didnt do anything.
Put it down to a quirk of the car and would have investigated had it got worse.
Now its gone:confused: maybe it really has gone or maybe its cos I gotten used to it and dont hear it anymore:confused:
norjon29 said:
Thats great but what about my gearstick problem!:confused:

Comon this was a thread for a gearbox issue:D
Hi norjon ,sounds like yer engine mounts could be wearing ,you can check this by lifting the bonnet ,get a helper ta run through the rev range and see if ya engine is a rockin, the other one is the on yer prop mounts , hope this helps ya. . .:)
Cheers Ming

I will be taking it back to the garage I bought it from and let them take a butchers, although I am not holding out any hope,:rolleyes: the mechanic there says that he used to work for a gearbox transmission company, but they do not specialise in Landrover, but seeing that i have only had the Freebie about a week I think they should take some responsibility for the problem, they sold it to me with a 3 month warranty, do not know if this will cover the cost of any repair though as it seems to have a lot of exclusions.

I will certainly be mentioning engine mounts to them though, incidently I drove another TD4 at the weekend and a year older than mine at that and it did not seem to have the same juddering charactistics.:)