Suzuki Jeep Pictures link

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E wrote:
> OK, all said and done. I'm not sure but sometimes the Japanese marketing
> groups take a proven product and adopt it to their needs. While I'm not
> saying a Samurai is anything like a CJ (Toyota did a better job there), the
> Samurai models start with SJ as in SJ 410 and SJ 413. There has been talk
> that the SJ stood for Suzuki Jeep but I have no true reference to this.
> Besides, to the Sammy owners out there, this reference to Suzuki Jeep is
> equally insulting to them. The Samurai is a very capable off roader and I've
> seen more Sammys pull CJs out of a situation than CJs pulling Sammys. Yeah
> the Jeepers all make fun of the little wannabes (just add water and that
> might grow into a jeep), most are very impressed when they see their 1st
> Sammy wheel.

I agree,
They do have some great advantages off-road.
Small and not thay high (trees are always apart enough to pass a SJ) and
lightweight will help a lot in the mud. Recovery is much easier. So it
makes it easier to take some risks. If I had one I certainly would have
tried things I do not dare with my Trooper.
The only thing might be a little lack of power in mountain climbing.
It will climb but takes a little longer. Who cares.
This might also have some effect on sandy beaches/dessert. Don't know
Maybe I'll buy one one day. Just for the fun of it.
Kind regards,
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> Subject: Re: Suzuki Jeep Pictures link
> From: "Snow" <[email protected]>
> Newsgroups:
> Not that anyone who would call a Suzuki a jeep or a kia a jeep deserves a
> history lesson, but JeeP comes from the G.I slang for the General Purpose
> Vehicles of WWII "GP'' . These GP's were originally built by Bantam (soon
> afterwards it was bought by Willis. The GP's were built by almost every
> North American car/truck/train mfg. during WWII all under contract (of the
> Government's, built to the original Bantam vehicle). After the war Willis
> (or Willis-bantam) started marking the Civilian General Purpose (CGP), but
> shortened the name too Civilian Jeep (remember jeep= slang for GP),
> Hence noway a Suzuki, kia, Honda or Toyota can be called a Jeep... they are
> Suvee's NOT JeePs.
> Snow.

Except in China where copyright laws are like bad lawyer jokes.
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