Surrey greenlanes?

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heyup everyone, how do?

spoke to booger a little while ago, and discussed the thames valley 4x4 pay and play on the 1st november in the bordon training area. we are both up for it, anyone else fancy it?

i spotted it in LRO events, i havent found out any more but it sounds like it should be bloody good day out
heyup everyone, how do?

spoke to booger a little while ago, and discussed the thames valley 4x4 pay and play on the 1st november in the bordon training area. we are both up for it, anyone else fancy it?

i spotted it in LRO events, i havent found out any more but it sounds like it should be bloody good day out

Was looking for info on the net about the site at Bordon, can't find anything ?

I'm heading to Boxgrove Pit this Sunday, anyone else up for some frolicing in the mud ???

Head to this Fred
if you go onto the thames valley 4x4 site it is on the events list

there isnt actually a pay and play at bordon, its mod land driver training area, so its not a pay and play in the true sense of the word as i understand it
Done a bit of walking this evening... And i am now wondering... Why the fook does hole hill lane have a TRO on it :confused: There is nothing wrong with it at all! Tis a loverly lane :confused: No ruts, no mud, in good condition...

Answers on a postcard?
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If it's the lane i think you mean it never used to be like that, at one time that lane was a difficult lane to drive and not because of 4x4 damage, it was just that way and had been for a very long time until there was an accident about a year ago and now it's been resurfaced and is flatter than Holland. Must re open soon now all the work has been done.
The lane i am on about dropped off ranmore, down a fairly steep hill and then over a railway line.

I think you might be on about Beggars that ends up in Abinger Hammer? That has a TRO on it till' april 2010. Was meant to be open April this year but they extended the TRO.

I find it quite funny... The M25 has accidents everyday... Are they go to put a TRO on that? :rolleyes:
I heard that beggars lane had quite a few accidents on it with people rolling cars on it due to the washed out ruts going down it. Have had some hairy moments on it myself!

Would be a shame if they actually shut it for too long as it is the only lane i remember how to get to without the map!!
this mite also have summat to do with it.....


As previously reported we still have a problem with people abusing the Green lanes around Mole Valley, by deviating from the lane and causing considerable damage. Highlighted are Wolvens Lane, Coldharbour. Beggars Lane, Abinger. White Downs, Ranmore all of these lanes have suffered considerable damage as have neighbouring farms and properties.

If you are aware who is responsible for this please contact Surrey Police on 0845 125 2222 or myself PC2987 Jo Morris or PCSO 12316 Pat Booker. If you are able to record the registrations of these vehicles we will look to prosecute anyone causing damage."
did it include these?


yeah i pretty much know where most of that is/was, did actually see any evidence of driving in farmers field at the bottom of beggars lane when it was open, but know which field the pictures was taken, though it is a fairly old picture
O dear, of course I've never met a Land Rover owner who went off and did donuts in some farmers field...

Also never met a Land Rover owner who steals cars and does fly tipping...

The Ironic thing is that when all the lanes are closed to all traffic, the damage will still occur, and the fly tipping and stolen car dumping will still continue, because if you are stealing cars and doing donuts in someone's field, you don't really care if a Lane is legal to drive or not. :doh:
That is very true and the more accessible a lane becomes the worse the fly tipping will be. funny how the guy didn't take any pictures of all the 3ft deep trenches that the forestry guys dug and all trees they cut
Some of the trenches that had been dug accross non legal tracks to prevent people driving them could have been very dangerouse to walkers and cyclist. Also cutting trees down to block people from going off the byway looked worse than the damage thay were ment to be stopping.
so while walking your dog you tripped,fell and then should fecking sue them:D