Well, having taken the first step towards my first expedition, i.e. buying the car, I'm looking at designing a storage system for the boot.
There's a couple of challenges here - firstly, its a Range Rover Classic so has the split tailgates, which I think makes it slightly more difficult than the side-opening doors of Discoveries and Defenders. Secondly, there's a fairly large 100-litre LPG tank in the boot that I need to build the system around.
My plan is to build a storage drawer at the base, in front of (as you stand at the back of the car) the LPG tank. These will hold recovery gear, medical kit, the gas stove, etc when on expedition, and possibly have the dual use to hold guns when in the UK and going shooting.
Above this I will then build a shelf that goes up and over the LPG tank, and I plan to use Really Useful Boxes to go on here - one for cookware, another for food, and two more for clothes + wash gear for two of us. These will be on two levels of two, I imagine, and seperate from the rest of the car by a dog guard. I also need to find space for our portable BBQ.
The lower tail gate will double up as a kitchen surface to prepare meals on (perfect height when the EAS is locked in 'offroad' mode!) and I will incorporate a mount for the gas stove on here I imagne, to keep it solid and safe in use. The BBQ is freestanding and will be used on the floor.
Lastly, I was thinking of removing one of the split/fold rear seats (smaller one, I think) to put a cool box that plugs into a cigarette lighter socket. I am not planning on buying a full-on fridge due to cost and potential lack of use, but the coolbox keeps things cool for 48 hours, so should do the trick.
What I would appreciate is if anyone can recommend the best materials to build such a system from (i.e. balancing strength vs weight) and also show me images of their storage systems to give me inspiration/ideas?
Thanks in advance!
There's a couple of challenges here - firstly, its a Range Rover Classic so has the split tailgates, which I think makes it slightly more difficult than the side-opening doors of Discoveries and Defenders. Secondly, there's a fairly large 100-litre LPG tank in the boot that I need to build the system around.
My plan is to build a storage drawer at the base, in front of (as you stand at the back of the car) the LPG tank. These will hold recovery gear, medical kit, the gas stove, etc when on expedition, and possibly have the dual use to hold guns when in the UK and going shooting.
Above this I will then build a shelf that goes up and over the LPG tank, and I plan to use Really Useful Boxes to go on here - one for cookware, another for food, and two more for clothes + wash gear for two of us. These will be on two levels of two, I imagine, and seperate from the rest of the car by a dog guard. I also need to find space for our portable BBQ.
The lower tail gate will double up as a kitchen surface to prepare meals on (perfect height when the EAS is locked in 'offroad' mode!) and I will incorporate a mount for the gas stove on here I imagne, to keep it solid and safe in use. The BBQ is freestanding and will be used on the floor.
Lastly, I was thinking of removing one of the split/fold rear seats (smaller one, I think) to put a cool box that plugs into a cigarette lighter socket. I am not planning on buying a full-on fridge due to cost and potential lack of use, but the coolbox keeps things cool for 48 hours, so should do the trick.
What I would appreciate is if anyone can recommend the best materials to build such a system from (i.e. balancing strength vs weight) and also show me images of their storage systems to give me inspiration/ideas?
Thanks in advance!