Blue Beasty (Brian) nothing I could ever say will make a tiny dent in your pain and I wouldn't even pretend to try.
However, you are a human being, a brother if you will.
We have had our difference of opinion and it makes not an ounce of difference, you are welcome in my home any time.
If you rocked up to Inverness and knocked on my door, please know you would be taken in and given a hug as if you were my own brother.
Everyone who has posted actually cares about you & yours and I am the same.
I have had loss and it is the worst pain anyone could imagine times infinity, but stay strong because a parents love is forever.
We, as a group of friends are here in whatever fashion you need, be it to hold you up or sit with you, we are here.
If you need to shout out or quietly mourn, we are here.
One day, in the future, you will learn to smile, to laugh, to remember with a fondness, your son, your kin and you will be proud to have been his father & his mentor. Until then, the flame that burns within you will remember the love you held from the day he appeared.
I hope I don't speak out of turn, I only speak from my own personal loss.
Friends are friends for a reason.
Andi, Ruta & Aiden.