then mate how's things going your end. I've been doing a lot of shooting but one of my guns has had to go back under warranty so it's back to land rovers for now haha, plus like I said I've just got part of a 4xforce suspension kit and some other bits so that's a bit more stuff gathered.
Mhm...ive noticed it can be hit and miss with people on here, so wot forums do folks use when not here then
300bhp...where do I start! I do agree with most of wot you say BUT...I'm not one of your " most disco owners with no ****ing clue" and I'm not a tosser that goes to so called prick and prat sites to get stuck, quite the opposite, we go and camp for the full weekends for a little get away which is why I want my vehicle to work well. Yes, I think that good tyres are the best single thing to do to a vehicle but depending wot you do with your vehicle, standard supsension can be very limiting be it for work or play, especially with disco departure and break over angles, and sills, experience tells me and many others this, and either you found some of the tamest lanes around or we found some of the worst. I do have a fair idea of how things work which is why I've got the 4xforce rear arms to cure the problem of the standard arms locking out. The front will get wot it needs as I go along to cure radius arm and panard rod and other problems, and I don't have a problem in having shocks a bit longer than I need, if all is fitted properly at least they will have some free travel at either end and will not be getting used as a bump stop as many do. I've been thru the process of stripping parts away and finding the limitations of each part and then making a complete set up that works in 'perfect harmony' if you like, that's why my other vehicle, 'vera', got used and abused in alsorts of places for 5 years without a single failure of any part and is still fit for action now. I will defiantly not be spending ££££'s on useless s**t, I will be making as many parts as possible. I'm thinking about a truetrac but don't even like the idea of spending that much really but I like the idea of one. You use words like 'most' and 'usually' but wot we do doesn't fall into those catogories, even driving down a farm track at work or shooting can leave a standard height vehicle on good tyres totally stranded. I don't want my disco to have any more money or parts in it than it needs but it needs to work. My work includes welding, fabricating, engineering and mechanicing, I'm a hands on kind of guy that hates spending more time than nessecery typing for no real reason, this has taken ages and still probably doesn't read how I want it to, and I purposely play dumb sort of thing and look for as much info as possible because every bodies experiences differ, and it's a bit like going to se a s**t phsycic, you can easily put ideas and answers in their head by wot you say. Basically I don't think people's knowledge and experience should be judged by wot and how the write on a forum