Snorkel and shock turret help please

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Haha no mate, 16 stone in me birthday suit ha.

Have you got some long turrets on that thing of yours yet. My springs came other day and I'm just plucking up courage to buy them new long shocks. I like things that have been around a while to be honest then ya get to hear if their good or bad. I'm still into the idea of just extending the standard turrets tho

Haha no mate, 16 stone in me birthday suit ha
Don't worry towsey I used to be, chemo & radio therapy sorted that !! best diet I'v been on !!:D
Not planing to lift the 5 door ! but the 3 door is already lifted Just need to get the welding done & a few more bits then get it on the road:eek::eek: But that's a long time project ! It aint eating or drinking owt so it can stay were it is for now!!:D
Been down at dads today doing some more work on the 5 door , will load picys up later & post on here , for yours & M/H/Ms perusal
Or if I can get swmbo to do it then it may be sooooner !:)
Magic / Steve
So here you are boy's !
Wot I'v done today !
A bit more work today....
Moved the air box as far up and to the wing as I could.

Intake pipe now clears the water pipe, but the turbo inlet pipe still fouls the top of the shock as can be seen below.....

Phase 2 required.
Were the sun dun't shine !!:eek::eek::eek::p:p:p
Were your INTAKE is on the side of your air box their is a round circle just in front of your turbo pipe !!
take your TURBO pipe OFF & block the hole up !
Then with the ELBOW go thru the side of your air box above your in let ! your turbo pipe will then run over the top of your in let giving you room to put taller turrets on! Simples !:p:p
If you din't live so far away I'd have the job done in 20 mins !! LOL:eek::D:D:D

Magic / Steve
Quick little update boys...

I've now got some standard length aftermarket shock turrets that need extending and a mate has told me he has an abs snorkel he doesn't want, so hopefully I will soon be able to confirm wot we think when I get round to extendin these turrets and fitting the airbox relocating bracket

Bloody Hell !
Were you bin ?? Was guna send some Flowers & a card ! LOL
M/H/Ms fell out with his I think ?:mad::rolleyes:
As he ain't been on this thread for a while so don't know how he's got on with his !

it was done to fit slightly larger tyres, not for articulation as the body has not been cut. I dont do serious off road, just rutted lanes, but would still like to get around roundabouts :eek:.

its not the snorkel - its the pipe from air filter to turbo that goes over the shock turret.
You do realise that almost all classic Range Rovers, which suspension and chassis wise are the same as a Disco 1. And indeed many D1's didn't have ARBs at all.
Well there's a couple of things. We have good (rough) places to go round us, and discos with 2" lift and 2" shocks just can't do a lot of it cos they get cross axled too easily. And we spend a lot of time at kirton (k.o.r.c) and tong which again are more enjoyable the better your vehicle performs.
On the right tyres, stock suspension is more than good enough for most things off road. I really don't believe it wouldn't be ok.

As for getting cross axled, most lifted Disco's do, because the owners have no ****ing clue about suspension and buy a load of crap they don't need. Sure it'll lift the vehicle, but will usually reduce the amount of useable flex off road, hence getting cross axled and generally performing worse.

Knowing how the suspension works and what it does is highly useful. And simply throwing ££££ at a vehicle will not guarantee to make it work better. Out of all of the lifted Disco's I've seen out and about, I'd guess maybe 5% of them matched or improved standard suspension. The rest are just gormless tits with no idea.

And frankly, you don't need 'extreme' for Prick & Prat sites. As most people only seem to want to get stuck or drive like a tosser. If you are doing competition or American style trails (there are none in the UK), where you need a vehicle to be competitive, or capable of reaching the end of the trail, then that's a different story. Green lanes in the UK are all passable by standard vehicles on the right tyres for the most part.

Now here's the important bit (to me anyway), for the last five years I've had a break from land rovers and I've had another off roader whose make I better not mention on here haha. Anyway 'Vera' has been a really good little vehicle, reliable and good off road, including going many places that land rovers either couldn't get at all or had a going on getting there. Sorry to any hardcore Land Rover owners but it's true, been there and done it! However, now we've got a son I wanted to go back to having a disco because they are bigger and nicer to drive and be in on the road. Anyway, I said that if I was to have a disco it would need to perform well or it would do my head in getting stuck in places where Vera used to just keep going.

The back is sorted I think, it's getting +5's and some 4xforce rear arms, and then a 4xforce a-frame if it needs it. I am wondering about just going +2 on the front depending on wot needs to be done to get +5's to work.

So anybody reading this who has extended turrets please let me know if it all works ok please

Many thanks


I hope this is constructive and helps you out. Basically what I'm saying is, go learn about suspension.

Don't be a gormless sheep buying loads of useless crap you may not need and don't know how it works.

I'm not going to tell you all of it and I'm by no means an expert. But there is a lot of info online if you can be bothered to read up on it.

But for starters.

If you were to remove the spring and shock from the front axle. The axle will only move up and down so much, and you can clearly see the shock and spring when removed will not be the bit restricting it.

However there will not be 5 inches of additional movement. This means fitting +5" shocks it pretty pointless unless you are going to do something to actually make use of the travel.

The rear will be a similar story, although it is easier to get more travel at the back. But the issue you then face is a massively un-balanced vehicle rear to front.

You also need to think about where that travel is. As standard you get full compression when the axle is on or close to the factory bump stop.

Often people add items which will give them more down travel, but simply reduce the up travel. So they think they are getting more flex, but in reality aren't. And just because you gain more downwards travel, doesn't mean better performance if you've lost the up travel..... aka most of the Disco boys out there who get cross axled easily!

Understand the basics and you can maximise what the suspension design can offer, or if you really want more, understand which aspects of the design you need to change.

Ride height and ground clearance are some of the things Land Rover's usually don't need increasing. If you are running on 31-32" tyres (235/85, 265/75 or 7.50's), then you should have more than enough ground clearance for most things off road.

I admit getting larger tyres under a Disco means the body is in the way. But lifting it, even a body lift is probably not the best answer. Because a 'good' suspension system will allow full up travel, so a suspension lift under compression should put the wheels in the same place as a standard suspension vehicle does.

A bodylift might help clear the tyres, but firstly is a pig of thing to fit on a Disco, usually looks odd, raises the centre of gravity and can cause linkage issues and hose/pipe length issues.

As a rule, you want to keep the body as low as possible and lift it as little as you can. Trimming the arches will allow the wheels to clear the bodywork.

Also if getting cross axled is a problem, then other traction aids may prove better money spent. Either LSD Torsen diffs or lockers of some kind. Even looking at maybe retro fitting TCS.
Hope you didn't think I was being sarcastic 300bhp !:eek:
I agree with wot you say about articulation & cross axle ! wot good is it having 1 wheel stuck up the wheel arch & the other scrating about at the bottom of a wet muddy hole:rolleyes::eek: F/all coss your STUCK !:rolleyes::mad::mad:
Would you say that 2" H/D springs would be the way to go? Inso trying to aleaveate cross axle & getting stuck ? Sorry for spelling spell checker's not working !:rolleyes::rolleyes::mad::mad: LOL
