Snapped bolt on the front bumper! :(

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Active Member
Well I got three of the four bolts out for removing my bumper and spotlight mount steelwork.

On the forth one though I unfortunately snapped the bloody bolt off. :(

It seems to penetrate a threaded retaining plate so can't be yanked out. I've tried to remove the bumper but, predicatably the snapped-off stud is preventing it.

Is there any way to remove it without resorting to a bolt extractor?

Any hints and tips appreciated.


Was here once many years ago.
Fairly certain you can cut through the bottom of the bolt using a hacksaw blade, remove the bumper and then get access to the captive-nut.
All four of mine sheared off last week! I found that I could tap the bit of stud down and lever the bumper off.
New bolts and captive nuts from Paddocks or another on line supplier and back in business :)
All four of mine sheared off last week! I found that I could tap the bit of stud down and lever the bumper off.
New bolts and captive nuts from Paddocks or another on line supplier and back in business :)
Were you able to tap the bolt down and clear despite it being in the threaded plate section / captive bolt section? Which is where mine is at right now...
I have the tools for punching steelwork down, never tried it for a threaded bolt though, I figure I'd need an engineers hammer for that?
Alright folks, I got it off in the end. I couldn't tap the bolt out as such as it was rocking about too much, but instead I wiggled the bumper off after jiggery-pokery and then grinded the stub off.