Series 3 seats

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Does any one know the law on series 3 front seats mine failed the mot on the seats being loose?? Also where can I get new ones that's not eBay ..
when you say loose is that loosley bolted down in wich case you dould tighten the bolts down, im think they are being very picky failing it on that, tester must have got out of bed wrong side, if you have a walk around a local scrapyard you can take your pick of seats, i fitted leather volvo seats to mine and inertia seat belts
If the seat cushions are loose then to pass the MOT they would have to have been manufactured this way. If they left the factory like that then they should pass an MOT. Same rule with seat belts. If they were not factory fitted then they are not needed for the MOT. I know of a Morris Minor 2dr car that failed because the front seats folded forward with no way of securing them in the upright position. On appeal it passed as they were made like that.
How did the Series leave the factory? My seat bases just rest on the seat box but have a strip of wood on them so they don't slide off forward. The backs seem to hinge forward. How else can you fix the padded seat bases to the box? A bit confuzzled!
the standard series seats can just lift out. theres a small stopper on the seat base to stop it sliding forward. the backs can swing forwards. they can pass mot like this as its standard.

however if you fit non standard seats, they cannot move at all. mine failed on them being "loose" even though they were bolted down on spacers which spanned the full length of the seatbox front to back and around 3" wide. it was just the flex in the seatbox. now i take it to a propper classic car garage. and he knows his stuff, hes fine with it.

and heres an interesting fact. a lot of poeple strengthen the seat mounts underneath, but no one i know apart from one person strengthens it from down above. which normally aint an issue but my mate says hes seen plenty of trialers land from a big jump and the seats go through the seatbox haha.
i found this problem also, its a simple fix, take out the seat backs, and look where the bolts are that fix it in, then feel around, youll fell under the leather like metal plate with holes in, and then look at the bracket that the 2 bolts that fix the seat in are and there will be 2 holes on each bracket, get a blade and cut the leather away where the holes line up, and i think there about m6 bolts hope this helps :)
My two outer seats have these straps attached to the backs and the dome nut thingy in the bulkhead. I need to alter the position of the nut as the straps don't reach by a long way! I don't seem to have any fixing for the middle seat - I assume this will also need one for the MOT
well my middle seat has been flapping around with out a strappy thing on, but the 2 nd time it was mot'd they sed we should short it out but didnt give us an advisory, so easy fix, take it out for the MOT and he is a happy bunny, but as i have a pick up, the middle seat has no belt so i dont think anyone can legally sit there anyways can they ?
i thought the rules changed to no matter what forward facing seats have to have a belt, also how woould i fit a belt for the middle person with it been a pick up with a cab?
mine is (well was, and will be before rebuild) a part time 3 seater. i.e. i can take the cubby box out and stick my 3rd seat in very quickly.
no ones ever mentioned seatbelts even a policemanofficer who rode in it.
oh ok you must be right then , i know mine is insured to carry 2 people max so i cant have anyone else anyways, also was who ever sat in the middle lacking legs? beacuse its not exactly spacious?
i thought the rules changed to no matter what forward facing seats have to have a belt, also how woould i fit a belt for the middle person with it been a pick up with a cab?

The law change applies to front seats fitted with a lap belt, centre seat can only be used if a 3 point belt is fitted. This caught a lot of transits out anorl