Rythmic Judder and Dangling Chains

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New Member
Good Morning all. Im after a bit of advice. Ive recently put 2" lift springs (OME) on my Defender 90. Ive also changed the front prop shaft to a wide angle one. I havent changed the shocks.
When I get up to about 45/50 mph I have a rythmic judder. It comes then goes then comes then goes. I also have a noise that I can only describes as jangling chains coming from the underside. Ive checked and double checked that everythign is tight. The judder seems to go if i take my foot off the throttle.
Does anyone have any ideas what it might be.

A mate and mine have very similar issues after a 2" lift, only on ours it happens when you lift off the throttle on overrun in 4th and 5th and is fine when you have the power on, my mate has tried diff lock with no rear and front prop and it goes away once one of the props are removed, but once both are back on it returns, so we think it maybe a bearing somewhere in the transfer box, as James has said try removing props and use diff lock to isolate the prob area would be nice to see what you get.
A mate and mine have very similar issues after a 2" lift, only on ours it happens when you lift off the throttle on overrun in 4th and 5th and is fine when you have the power on, my mate has tried diff lock with no rear and front prop and it goes away once one of the props are removed, but once both are back on it returns, so we think it maybe a bearing somewhere in the transfer box, as James has said try removing props and use diff lock to isolate the prob area would be nice to see what you get.

I thought if the problem goes when props off it's a prop problem?
Not necessarily props can also put strain on transfer box output shafts and diff pinion bearings, removing props just helps to highlight prob area
Could they cause juddering? Reason I ask is that I've put a wide angled prop on mine (well helped craigyb) as my old prop wasn't too clever, since putting this prop on its juddering when I accelerate in 3rd at about 30mph n at 40ish in 4th n does do it in 5th but not as bad, was gonna take prop back off to check if it stops but so far not had time just wondered what else it could be as the juddering wasn't like that with other prop on


Forgot to add its also vibrating more than normal when ticking over which does sometimes ease when clutch depressed but not all the time
Could they cause juddering? Reason I ask is that I've put a wide angled prop on mine (well helped craigyb) as my old prop wasn't too clever, since putting this prop on its juddering when I accelerate in 3rd at about 30mph n at 40ish in 4th n does do it in 5th but not as bad, was gonna take prop back off to check if it stops but so far not had time just wondered what else it could be as the juddering wasn't like that with other prop on



Could do if the prop wasn't assembled or balanced correctly, or the UJ's weren't properly greased or were tight/loose ...
Hmm will get em greased as did mean to do that but forgot ujs not been replaced that long since n how do I know if it's balanced properly ? Driving me nuts n with limited tools can't do a great deal it's making me paranoid start thinking alsorts going wrong!! Lol
Balancing a prop is a specialist job, GKN do it I believe. Have a look at the Yokes at each end of the prop, they should be out of phase slightly, something like 30 degrees. If they're in-line then that also causes bad vibes .. easily fixed, pull prop apart at the splines, rotate to correct (ish) angle and re-fit .. then try it out, repeat till it stops the vibes!! ;)
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what engine has your truck got ?prop balance isnt normally an issue ,but alignment is (both yokes can be altered or put wrong when prop is split at spline )
It's a 200tdi in it now was a td originally got the prop off craigyb n it's only 6 months old n as some of you will know his landy in bits at moment so not used for that length of time, Craig fitted it for me so I assume it's all on correctly (Craig this is where you come in n assure me it is!!! ) lol
Just a suggestion .. ;)

I'd also look at the soundness of the engine and gearbox mounts, 'specially the rubbers.
Had a look at engine mounts other day n all seem ok had the engine fitted in dec so did wonder if anything may have come loose, also it has started to squeak from somewhere at front end but can't for the life in me work out where it's coming from!! Had it in for a service a few weeks back m all was ok then so god only knows what's going on!! I use my landy every day so can't afford for it to break on me!!