just checked out the Brainiac experiment for walking on custard!!! had to see it....and its true!!
that is a great explanation! - thanks!!...

, yes, the Brainiac experiment with John Tickle it is one of the best demonstrations of a 'non Newtonian fluid' to really see what happens... I suppose we could all fill our vcu's with custard, cornstarch or even tomato ketchup

The VCU is such a relatively simple device in design that takes advantage of the remarkable property of these fluids.. all good stuff !
Also, as a guide to how a vcu fails, as the fluid breaks down over time. then the fluid in the unit increases in viscosity causing the unit to actually change to mechanically be
similar to a Newtonian fluid (A fluid with a constant viscosity) hence the vcu effectively never 'slips' properly causing wind up and eventual overload of the ird or rear diff - or indeed - both !.
In a normal working vcu - when normal driving is occurring, you can consider the shear force is in proportion (but
constant AND very low) in relation to the very slight difference in ratios between the front and rear of the vehicle. Here the vcu is
always slipping slowly but ! - as it's 'delta' is effectively non existent - the viscosity (low) remains the same and the vehicle is effectively front wheel drive.
In the event of a difference in speed front to rear occurring , (during wheel spin or loss of traction) then the
delta suddenly is huge causing the lock up via the increase in viscosity, this will also now remain constant until the shear delta reduces again and the vcu allows the normal limited slippage. Remember it is the delta of the shear forces (the RATE of change) that controls the viscosity. It is not a change caused by heat etc. It is a physical property of these kinds of fluids. The reason the viscosity remains high in the event of slippage is that the delta causes the lock up, the delta then drops and the vcu starts to free itself, but, in the event of a remaining difference of speed between front and rear of the vcu it's delta again ramps up causing a lockup - this is a constant cycle but happening so fast as to effectively remain locked until the delta drops off and remains off causing the viscosity to instantly reduce and normal action takes over. So, a constant cycling of viscosity occurs when slippage occurs but too rapidly to sense.
All clever stuff.