Rear shocks + springs

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Well-Known Member
Thames Valley
Td5 90.
Replaced the rear shocks a couple of years ago with Britpart cellular dynamic shocks. Recently I have changed the rear springs as they would bottom out and hit the bump stops going over speed bump and a like. You can bounce the rear end and it will carry on bouncing 4 or 5 times by itself, couple of questions. Son has exactly the same set up, slightly harder to press down and stops as soon as you stop pushing it up and down.
1. Have I ballsed up and should have changed the shocks (again)?
2. Could it have damaged the shocks when hitting the bump stop?
3. Should I also junk the new springs which seem to be softer than the same ones as my son's Ninety (his are 5 years old)?
4. Am I an idiot?
1. Yes, shocks are shot, and may even have been the cause of the bottoming.

2. Possibly, shouldn't have. Cut one open and have a look for evidence! I'd be interested even if nobody else is.

3. Change the shocks and then check the new feel, if still bottoming or wallowy then yes. I'd stay standard unless there's a good reason why not. LR's engineers did a good job. Although BP cellulars are often said to be fine, I wouldn't use them because they probably change their supplier every five minutes.

4. Insufficient data.
1. Does sound like the shocks are toast. I have BP CD's on my 90 and they have outlasted the Terrafirma.
2. Don't think so
3. I have Terrafima 'light weight' springs on my 90 which feel pretty solid. The paints peeling off and the tin worm has set in but otherwise they seem fine.
4. Possibly not.

Are carrying a lot of wieght and driving up and down the Watergate Steps in Washington DC ?
Don't carry any weight really.
I do use it for green laning but nothing excessive.
Something was most definitely bottoming out and I presumed it must have been the bump stops and old springs. I guess I shouldn't have presumed the shocks were OK even having done less than 5k miles, poor.
I say it regularly when people are discussing shocks. I have had very good results form the basic britpart oil filled shocks rather than the fancy cellular ones. I have had two sets of them fitted (although currently have new take off originals), they handle well and are very similar to the oem setup in terms of feel, they happily did me several years of 30k per year and travelled around the Moroccan dessert twice with no issue. Also with the cheap comments above, they are probably the cheapest shock on the market for these!

Price has gone up they used to be £15 a corner :eek:: LINK
I say it regularly when people are discussing shocks. I have had very good results form the basic britpart oil filled shocks rather than the fancy cellular ones. I have had two sets of them fitted (although currently have new take off originals), they handle well and are very similar to the oem setup in terms of feel, they happily did me several years of 30k per year and travelled around the Moroccan dessert twice with no issue. Also with the cheap comments above, they are probably the cheapest shock on the market for these!

Price has gone up they used to be £15 a corner :eek:: LINK
I have Britpart cellular dynamic which have been good on the D2 and Ninety so I don't really know what's gone wrong. I am loathed to buy them again.
Boge are listed Genuine or OEM depending on website. They range from £46 each to £80 odd for exact same item depending where you buy them.
Someone on forum recently noted that Britpart standard oil shocks are rebadged Boge, is this the case?

Britpart also supply Boge but are listed as Boge rather that Britpart specials.
Britpart is slowly buying up the market and a lot of OEM parts are now britpart. Even in the days of old when the blue bag brought horror and suffering there were always some items that they did very well and were just as good as genuine. I maintain their oil filled shocks have always been good. Their lift pumps however, even today, barely last long enough to fit to an engine!
Swapped the shocks out this morning. The Britpart ones are indeed knackered, quite hard to extend them but you can press them back in with little or no effort with your thumb. On the upside the yellow Britpart ploy bushes looked just fine. Might do a video and send it to Britpart, see what they say, if anything.
Haven't test driven the Boge ones yet but it doesn't bounce no more when pushed up and down.
I've fitted some very standard type bilstein b6 shocks to my ardtop 90 td5 and they are blimmim awesome for my needs. Matched with a set of standard height HD flatdog springs she drives perfectly.

For me I try and fit the best where I can, and between old man emu and bilstein it was a coin toss.

That being said, any shock will be better than a fubared one!
I've fitted some very standard type bilstein b6 shocks to my ardtop 90 td5 and they are blimmim awesome for my needs. Matched with a set of standard height HD flatdog springs she drives perfectly.

For me I try and fit the best where I can, and between old man emu and bilstein it was a coin toss.

That being said, any shock will be better than a fubared one!
How do you get on with the Flatdog springs? They didn't answer my email question so didn't bother buying from them.