Provisional insurance??

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ben waine

Active Member
Hey chaps 17 tomorrow and want provisional insurance on my 1984 series 3 van style, any ideas ? So far no one will insure me (for provisional) but will for a full licence when/if I get it, so any ideas of who is good ?
Thanks ben
Ya parents can insure it and add you on a provisional licence.. But don't pass ya test cos then the insurance will cost the same as a warship lol lol
Tar chaps I've found people who will insure me on me dads 110 for 210 fully comp for 3 months which seems to be the going rate for provisional, it's just no one seems to want touch my series on provisional, even though they will do it for just shy of 1,500 fully comp for a year (with a full licence) so I think I will probally just go with that, but would still prefer it on my series
Adrian Flux will do it for less than £1500 I think, I got a quote for just over a grand. Have you thought about asking the farmers union for insurance?
I've been using Lancaster for the last couple of years, they advertise in the landy mags now as well. Fully comp £77.00 on my 2a, you have to be an old sod to get those numbers though ;)