Problem free week?? No chance!

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Pollen filter covers look dry although drivers side is hard and cracked, can't see any moisture around here but it has been dry around here all week so could have dried up since.

Can't see these aircon drains though - so they are either side of the transmission under the heater area and they look like old tea towel rubber holders??? Nope can't see them..
Pollen filter covers look dry although drivers side is hard and cracked, can't see any moisture around here but it has been dry around here all week so could have dried up since.

If the cover is cracked, it's likely that it's leaking.

Can't see these aircon drains though - so they are either side of the transmission under the heater area and they look like old tea towel rubber holders??? Nope can't see them..

They are a couple of rubber tubes with flattened ends
Found the drivers side drain eventually and poked around with a coat hanger, it went in a good few inches until it stopped but no water came out. Engine and aircon was on at the time. Does water generally drip out all the time or just when engine on/off?

couldn't see passenger side one - lot more stuff blocking the view on that side. I will order two pollen filter covers though.
Oh and the heated windscreen relays and fuses have been back in for 2 hours and no obvious battery drain yet. Will check again about 8pm. I'll be well chuffed if the new screen sorts out the problem.
Overnight voltage drop to 12.57 from 12.74 all locked up so I think thats within an acceptable range for a 12 hour period isn't it? Especially as i still have a Generation 2 RF receiver installed. Looks like the new windscreen has sorted out the problem - maybe it was the connections or something.

Was wondering if there is a difference in how much power the BECM draws between superlocking and the one press locking. Does it fully go to sleep if the volumetric alarm is disabled?
Drivers side pollen filter cover definitely leaking after todays rain so will order a new pair. Hopefully that solves the damp drivers footwell....oooh I'm having a right productive weekend for once!