Prednji brisači vjetrobrana radi samo treĉa brzina

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From what I can see it uses one relay for both speeds (micro) R8 in the Battery Junction Box this is supplied by relay 11, again in BJB.
Fuse 1, 5Amp in Central Fuse Box supplies the rain sensor so it may be worth pulling this to see if wipers stop.
Good luck.
Koliko vidim, koristi jedan relej za obje brzine (mikro) R8 u razvodnoj kutiji za baterije, a to se napaja od releja 11, opet u BJB.
Osigurač 1, 5 A u središnjoj kutiji s osiguračima napaja senzor za kišu pa bi možda bilo vrijedno povući ovo da vidite da li će brisači prestati.

From what I can see it uses one relay for both speeds (micro) R8 in the Battery Junction Box this is supplied by relay 11, again in BJB.
Fuse 1, 5Amp in Central Fuse Box supplies the rain sensor so it may be worth pulling this to see if wipers stop.
Good luck.
I checked relays 8 and 11, they are correct, I just didn't know that under the passenger seat there is fuse 1 for the sensors, I didn't notice that, I thought it was the f20 15 amp fuse, but it was the rear wiper. I'll go and check fuse 1.
Jedna od četkica je istrošena na motoru i nema kontakt s armaturom.

Provjerio sam releje 8 i 11, ispravni su, samo nisam znao da ispod suvozačevog sjedala ima osigurač 1 za senzore, to nisam primijetio, mislio sam da je osigurač f20 od 15 ampera, ali bio je stražnji brisač. Idem provjeriti osigurač 1.
Eo da vam pokažem kratak video.
Jedna od četkica je istrošena na motoru i nema kontakt s armaturom.

Provjerio sam releje 8 i 11, ispravni su, samo nisam znao da ispod suvozačevog sjedala ima osigurač 1 za senzore, to nisam primijetio, mislio sam da je osigurač f20 od 15 ampera, ali bio je stražnji brisač. Idem provjeriti osigurač 1.
Eo da vam pokaem kratak video.
Eo da vam pokažem kratak video.
I guess you mean Passenger footwell rather than Passenger seat ?
Jeste pogrešno sam napisao išao sam skinuti osigurač. upaliti brisač nije pomoglo pa sam stavio novi osigurač isto radi 3 brzina 1 i 2 ne radi.
So with the fuse to the sensor removed does the wiper still operate on fast only ?
If so, then that excludes the rain sensor.
I believe the speeds are operated on the LIN system from the switch to the Central Junction Box (BCM) then to the relays, I am unsure how to check this other than for voltage, 5 V I think.
Best you can do now would be check all connections for security and I damage or damp.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
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So when you turn wipers off do they stop randomly ? If so this could be a park switch fault.
I read you have changed the motor and I'm not sure if the park switch is combined.
So ?
Wiper Park Switch is built into the motor so if you have changed this then I guess park switch is ok.
Unless you can check continuity on the LIN network , only thing I can think to check is the condition of the actual switch connector.
Remove the cowl and give the contacts a clean. Or can you substitute for a known good one ?
The variable speed is taken by signal from that switch, so if the wipers are working and motor has been replaced that only leaves the stalk, a LIN fault or the CEM/BCM.
That is the cheapest and probably easiest order in which to check.
Wiper Park Switch is built into the motor so if you have changed this then I guess park switch is ok.
Unless you can check continuity on the LIN network , only thing I can think to check is the condition of the actual switch connector.
Remove the cowl and give the contacts a clean. Or can you substitute for a known good one ?
The variable speed is taken by signal from that switch, so if the wipers are working and motor has been replaced that only leaves the stalk, a LIN fault or the CEM/BCM.
That is the cheapest and probably easiest order in which to check.
Hvala ti na poštenom odgovoru ja mislim da je 99% do lošeg konektora i da treba očistiti vrlo je moguće da je kiša korodirala metal.probat ču sutra skinuti poklopac i da pokušam da očistim konektor.
Electrical cleaner spray is best otherwise WD40 or similar and possibly a fine brush.
Just make sure there is no power to wiper motor when you reconnect.
I have seen a bad hand injury when someone reconnected a Transit wiper with fingers in wrong place !
Let us know if you get it sorted.