Pink Liquid from ball joint! Looks like its part of the steering thing!

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New Member
Hi All

Yes driving my old 91 defender again this weekend and i am about 70 miles from home! Stupidly looked under the front of the thing and there is a joint connected to the steering and its covered in pink liquid!

Is this serious or ok to drive please?

Does not look bad and not dripping just caked (I like cake :)) in the pink stuff!

As you all probably know I am stoopid and learning so any help appreciated please :)

Any suggestions? I know I am being quite vague but looks to me like the a bar that moves the steering!

Thank you!

Help Please!

Ok I think this is the power steering? Is this simply a top of the little black tank with the pink stuff please? What is the pink stuff? I know how stoopid I sound!

Just don't want to break down on the way home tomorrow! Is this an urgent fix or a top up fix :)

Thank you Lads

Def 1383
Help Please!

Ok I think this is the power steering? Is this simply a top of the little black tank with the pink stuff please? What is the pink stuff? I know how stoopid I sound!

Just don't want to break down on the way home tomorrow! Is this an urgent fix or a top up fix :)

Thank you Lads

Def 1383

Hello , sounds like you got some fluid leaking from the seal on the bottom of the steering box, if you go to a local garage you will be able to by some ATF / power steering fluid and top up the reservoir as you said, just check that its not spraying out under load , by starting engine and getting someone to turn steering wheel from side to side , most boxes weep a bit but if its pouring out get help, also make sure its not getting onto brake disc on that side but should be ok
I think that this could be one of three things !

Possibly cheap Chinese ball joints that have been filled with radio-active pink blamange instead of grease or you have a coolant leak which by shear coindidence can also be pink And or it could be a power steering leak which now yeh not going to beleive this is RED.

If it's either of the latter just top up reservoirs and you'l be OK (ie: coolant in the expansion bottle or dextron 11 in the power steering bottle (check dip stip first, on bottle) and if it's the first one- well sorry to say "yeh fecked" :D
Thank you Both, really appreciated! Yes I am learning fast! Funny really as learnt to drive in an 70's defender years ago and drive modern cars in the week but love the old girl at weekends! Although think I am going to have a few problems with her but I guess thats part of the fun!

Just checked the resevoir (little black container in front of the coolant container ;-)) and its half full which makes me think its the steering box so will top it up as suggested below!

Its not pouring out just covered in it and the top up is about half full which kinda adds up!

Do you (wise ones) think its an urgent fix and big cost or something that can be fixed cheaply please? It's been a long month already and only got paid today!

Thank you Both, really appreciated! Yes I am learning fast! Funny really as learnt to drive in an 70's defender years ago and drive modern cars in the week but love the old girl at weekends! Although think I am going to have a few problems with her but I guess thats part of the fun!

Just checked the resevoir (little black container in front of the coolant container ;-)) and its half full which makes me think its the steering box so will top it up as suggested below!

Its not pouring out just covered in it and the top up is about half full which kinda adds up!

Do you (wise ones) think its an urgent fix and big cost or something that can be fixed cheaply please? It's been a long month already and only got paid today!


well keep an eye on the levels and see how much your losing, will be an mot fail if not fixed ,
Thank you! Just topped it up! Not leaking a huge amount so ok and will sleep better! Only half a bottle!

Is it costly to fix please or normally a nipple?!??!

Thanks again

Thank you Steve, its great learning some of these tricks! Its like nothing I have ever owned before! Came back from Bristol in the floods and was rather good fun!

ebbadger's trick with the break fluid works a treat. but the new seals only cost £5. the enoying part is getting the drop arm off the steering box. they either just come right off or it takes a beating.