Found this on the net from PDGLA Facebook page
Peter = You need to stiffen the PDNPA's backbone in my opinion, counter demos required. Simple as. And large numbers as well. PDNPA listen to demos at Aldern House - I know this from experience, beware!
This was on the NWest News on Friday - the coverage made me think the Trail Riders had infiltrated the BBC, is there anywhere online, on road, off road they havent infiltrated. The Green Lanes Alliance seems to be dangerously complacent, if I may say this with the greatest respect. These people are no slouches and this is an understatement
Peak District Green Lanes Alliance The TRF and friends have never in their history in Derbyshire have had such concerted opposition to their destructive "hobby". This is the only National Park where they have been "welcomed" by the NPA, the worm has now turned against them. There are now Trailriders and Off road vehicles coming from all over Britain and Europe to ride the green lanes of the Peak District National Park it has to stop.
Peter = I dont know everything being located in Glossop - but I am just warning that the Park could "wobble" (the delay in decision on Chapel Gate is perhaps indicative of that) and the "concerted oppositon" to their "destructive hobby" needs to remind the Park just how "concerted" it is. A "wobble" from the Park would be fatal. How secure is this Facebook page incidentally? It should be 100%, (it doesnt surprise me that the TRF have particular computer/net expertise and know how to use it) .
Peter The BBC NW coverage should similarly "worry" the "concerted opposition" to the "destructive hobby".
Peak District Green Lanes Alliance Peter, nothing surprise me concerning the TRF. They are prolific liars, twist the truth to suit thheir motives - we know this for sure.
Peak District Green Lanes Alliance Thereis nothing to stop you from writing to the BBC, and or the newspapers who have reported this,Matlock Mercury and Derbyshire Times it all helps.
Peter = I am planning a letter to the PDNPA certainly - it is half written and will take me a long time cos it needs to pack a punch and the right one as well! (BBC possibly, but I think it would be a waste of my time as a lone individual) . I do however think that the BBC4 programme whilst trying v.hard to be trendy or something did at least show 2 equal sides campaigning. I understand you feel your demonstration work is done and I do not underestimate the amount of work involved in demonstrating but I think you are tempting fate if you leave the campaigning way clear for the Trail Riders. Massive shows of support uncontested will influence Local Planning Authorities. It even happens the other way, 200 objections just recently near to me in Tameside defied all expectations to stop a Tescos Night Freight Traffic application. Thats the way the game works! I speak from the heart, cos this is a critical moment in a key struggle.
Peak District Green Lanes Alliance Actually POeter thereis an awful lot going on behind the scenes as we do not wish to give any advantage to the TRF and their friends. So we will keep it tightly under our hats for now. I do not think the TRF and GLASS are making many friends by intimidating the authorities. Unfortunately the PDNPA Officers were certainly not up to speed with their ETRO for Chapel Gate, they to my knowledge did not ask any advice of the YDGLA who have experience of these things. I do not think they will fail again, but we will take watching brief on that.
Peter = I feel slightly re-assured then. So far as I see it he NPA have had to be "helped" to get this right (worrying in itself really) and I think that "help" needs to continue, in whichever form is best. I am not sure that intimidation does not work when people are already "wobbly" but you have formed an opinion on this I must respect. I do not need prompting to write letters, as long as I feel they can hit their target and be felt! Best for now.
Fecking w&£kers!

Everybody who loves green laning needs to be a part of future events.