seems a plan to me, screw the wife/girlfriend/neighbour choose a) b)or c)
get couple of weeks of paid leave 9 months later,
everyones happy...
but hang on, I`m old, I had to work through the mrs & new bubba,
thats not fair is it,
me & mrs had children under a work ethos government,
but one that gave you nothing for a birth.....
then along came an evil viper and his female version of judge dread,
with her family roots what do you expect she/they stood for,
well, it was a split between robbing the state,
while giving away freebies for what was left.... nice ... lol
wonder how much pension the pair get now, and wonder just how much they cost YOU & ME now till they keel over...
oh, them being labourites, why, your not jelous are you,
being not on paternity leave and that......
slime, pure slime, part of the do as I bloody tell you,
and not, very not, as we do................................