Paddock Spares service!

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I think drop offs without signing have become industry standard, the new online economy was getting impossible with people ordering billions in goods then feckin off to work so some guy in a van who's driven all the way to your house has to take it all back again. I love coming home and finding what paddocks have left behind the shed :) makes it all seedy like heheheh

From the couriers point of view, repaying the odd 'stolen' item must be tiny compared to the waste of time in taking everything back two or three times.
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you'd hate my postman (op) - he signs for special delivery and recorded delivery things for me and either posts them through the letter box or leaves them in my parcel shed (shed with a big flap cut into it for big parcels)

To me, he is a god send, i get a couple of parcels a day normally (run a business from home) and not having to be in to sign for stuff is amazing. I guess for you, he would be the sporn of satin
I'm MORE than happy with the prompt delivery of the tyres. My point is that paddock should know that their courier is dropping off goods without them being signed for, on a very busy street, where they could have easily been stolen. Christmas or not, it's their job so they should be doing it properly.

So tell Paddocks or the courier, but your subject line and whinge made it seem like you were blaming Paddocks, when it's obviously not their fault ... ... and they didn't leave it on a very busy street, they left it in your drive, you said! And I'm breathing again ... ;)
So if they had turned up at any of your houses, on your driveway, which is on a street, which is busy, would you not have been ****ed off in the slightest? It's paddocks job to provide the product, and as I paid for delivery it should arrive properly, whether it is FedEx's fault or not, if its not arriving as it should, then it's paddocks problem. If it was a tv left in my drive it wouldn't be any different would it?
I'm all for the delivery men being helpful, by doing things the way you mention, as they are all convenient for you, however, leaving them in the middle of your drive wouldn't be exactly a god send would it?
Think thats delivery company standard now. Stayed in last sat for a delivery got a card to say attempted delivery. Well didnt attempt very hard didnt even ring the doorbell.
Its not paddocks fault at all. I think you should stop digging and go and enjoy your new tyres. The whole things a winge about nothing and blaming the wrong people. Your tyres turned up safe and quickly. If they had been nicked or damaged then by all means have a winge at who delivered them. Time to put this one to bed.
So if they had turned up at any of your houses, on your driveway, which is on a street, which is busy, would you not have been ****ed off in the slightest? It's paddocks job to provide the product, and as I paid for delivery it should arrive properly, whether it is FedEx's fault or not, if its not arriving as it should, then it's paddocks problem. If it was a tv left in my drive it wouldn't be any different would it?
I'm all for the delivery men being helpful, by doing things the way you mention, as they are all convenient for you, however, leaving them in the middle of your drive wouldn't be exactly a god send would it?

Phone to courier company complain. Tell Paddocks politely what happened. Job done and quit crying like a 5 yr old girl.
So if they had turned up at any of your houses, on your driveway, which is on a street, which is busy, would you not have been ****ed off in the slightest? It's paddocks job to provide the product, and as I paid for delivery it should arrive properly, whether it is FedEx's fault or not, if its not arriving as it should, then it's paddocks problem. If it was a tv left in my drive it wouldn't be any different would it?
I'm all for the delivery men being helpful, by doing things the way you mention, as they are all convenient for you, however, leaving them in the middle of your drive wouldn't be exactly a god send would it?

You need to pick up your dummy and shut up. You got your tyresend of. You had friends and didn't here the door bell or knock. Deliver driver heard you and left them. He should of took them back and left a card failed attempt. and then you would bitch like a unpaid whore.
Grow up
If Paddock are shipping thousands of pounds worth of merchandise on a daily basis then they should ensure that their couriers are up to scratch...regardless of what day it is!
So if they had turned up at any of your houses, on your driveway, which is on a street, which is busy, would you not have been ****ed off in the slightest? It's paddocks job to provide the product, and as I paid for delivery it should arrive properly, whether it is FedEx's fault or not, if its not arriving as it should, then it's paddocks problem. If it was a tv left in my drive it wouldn't be any different would it?
I'm all for the delivery men being helpful, by doing things the way you mention, as they are all convenient for you, however, leaving them in the middle of your drive wouldn't be exactly a god send would it?

I'd be very grateful that the delivery company had left the wheels for me despite me not answering the door.

You're not exactly going to get someone just walking off with 4 big mud tyres now are you? Even a poxy little car would struggle to nick them, would have to be a very opertune theft in the right sized vehicle.

I have 4 wheels piled up on my drive at present... no one's walked off with them yet and they have been sat there for a few weeks now.
most companies i know, delivery if they organise it is at your responsibility ,your welcome to organise your own ,your benefit of them doing it for you is the cheaper cost using their contract ,couriers do have better services but you pay for it as it isnt cheap
So if they had turned up at any of your houses, on your driveway, which is on a street, which is busy, would you not have been ****ed off in the slightest? It's paddocks job to provide the product, and as I paid for delivery it should arrive properly, whether it is FedEx's fault or not, if its not arriving as it should, then it's paddocks problem. If it was a tv left in my drive it wouldn't be any different would it?
I'm all for the delivery men being helpful, by doing things the way you mention, as they are all convenient for you, however, leaving them in the middle of your drive wouldn't be exactly a god send would it?

1. Paddocks did provide the product.
2. It did arrive (properly :scratching_chin:)
3. Nobodys fault, nobodys problem.
Ok fair points.
I've whined like a bitch because the tyres didn't arrive exactly how I thought they would, not because I didn't sign for them, but the delivery man left them on the driveway, where they could have been easily stolen, it would take 5 minutes for some pikey to whip them in the back of their van. I don't think he left them because he wanted me to have my new tyres, he'd have opened the side gate and put them there, where they can't be seen, which would have been fine, it was a busy day so he just chucked em in the drive and left.
I've already said I'm happy that I actually have the tyres, but you can't just go round leaving goods where anyone could easily take them, this is why we have letterbox's, you don't see the postman getting to the drive and frisbeeing your letters towards the house do you? Regardless of whether they were tyres or not, goods just shouldn't be delivered like that.
Butt of Lewis to be precise
I can't imagine it would be great,
"Oh where are you from?"
"I'm from the butt of Lewis"
Conversation ends there I reckon