I shouldn't of said that it runs fine hot and cold before, I tried to start it an hour or 2 ago but it didn't start right away like it normally does. Opened the hood and there was a noticeable diesel smell, after checking it looks like injector 4 has a leak now. Plenty of air in the feed line towards the pump as well. Overflows tubes are new. Oh well it looks always like i'm going a few steps in the good direction but then there is always something else that requires attention. I believe I'm going to have to replace half the car
I ordered a new old stock BMW crank pulley, it fits no problems at half the price. Engine remains noisy, I'm getting more and more convinced that the distribution chains require replacement because it starts to rattle more and more in the front of the engine. Actually this engine has 2 kinds of noises, the chain noise in the front and a the knock where the oil filter is so I think they are not really related.
I was thinking, having read on forums and YouTube video's that a bad injector can cause a knocking sound. So I'm hoping the knocking will go away if I get injector 4 sorted since injector 4 aligns with the oil filter housing. The knocking sound is predominantly present there. I ordered the tool to be able to remove it, depending on what I find I'replace it.
Now concerning the distribution chains I'll need to think about doing this job myself

or having someone else do it...This is going to take longer than anticipated to get her back on the road.
Think I need a few of these to think it over