it definitely needs shortening if the SWR reading is lower on channel 1 than it is on channel 40. As for how much it needs shortening, we're probably talking mm or cm at most.
Easiest thing is to shorten it by 1cm, for example, then test SWR again. If it's still lower on channel 1 than channel 40, shorten it further. If channel 40 is now lower than channel 1, lengthen it a bit. Repeat this procedure until it's the same (or very close) on channel 1 and channel 40.
For what it's worth, here's a graph showing an example of how the readouts should be...
Needless to say, 26MHz on the graph is nearest channel 1, and 28MHz is nearest channel 40.
The best SWR guide i've read is this one:
SWR Meters & Readings Explained
As for your antenna, a "Long Springer" is a 1.5m aerial. This is what I have. I think it works out to be 1/4 of a wavelength at 27MHz. The longer the better really. Shorter aerials are half the length and work out to be 1/8 of a wavelength.
By changing the length of the aerial, what you are doing is getting it as close to 1/4 wavelength as possible. 0.25 wavelengths is perfect. If your aerial is too long, it could be equal to 0.26 wavelengths, which is not giving the best reception etc...
Hope this all makes sense!
It still sounds like your SWR reading is a bit high though.
You said the adjustment on the aerial was seized up. Could there be corrosion in there preventing the aerial from making a good electrical contact with the base perhaps?
You obviously need good electronics throughout the system. Any exposed coax core, or bad electrical contacts can affect things a lot.
Hope this helps!