Noobies (and others) Run - South of Basingstoke

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Ok so work went well. Things are looking good. Now just got to keep a heavily pregnant misses happy and rebuild my landy at the same time and we will be well away.

Hmmmm, you'll be fine - dont envy you with all that lot to sort out though, I'm having trouble motivating myself just to pop the bonnet and check the fluids! :eek::D
Fraid I'm gonna have to drop out fellas, been collared to use the landy for transporting duties in the morning, and then I'm off to see Rage against the machine in london, which I totally forgot about until the tickets hit my doormat this morning!!

Sorry! but now my landy is fixed (with much help from MHM!) I can hopefully make it out next time!!
Originally Posted by The Mad Hat Man
So far have the following peeps

fatboy slim

Redwingslandrover (morning only)
Medusa (morning only?) Kooky_Guy as passenger
Mad Hatter
Ratty (no ballast )

Reserves list

Passengers (IF you have room for one - contact the below)

That looks like the lot. There may be some tooing and froing, but it looks like we got ourselves a coonvoi.

Sorry to hear that Alfresco. Maybe next time (or just come for a few ;).
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one (seriously) bodged back together land rover! we are good to go! any chance someone could help me set up the cb in the mornin tho? got it on a bracket at the back now but the swr is toooooo high. is a ground essential or advised?
damn it knew u would say that. now i gora find a way to get back out there without ****in the misses off. plan: stay quiet and hope she falls asleep.

the swr meter needs to be done when im out in the middle of nowhere tho doesnt it? to be correct.