New, Uneducated Green Laner......

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New Member
Hey people, just registered! I am trying to find information on byways open to all traffic in Hertfordshire.(land rovers, jeeps and buggys). A lot of the information on this site are members offering to show people around literally. I would like to do this, but for now, does anyone have maps of Hertforshire with the byways marked on them? Can anyone refer me to a specific map, book or website as to where they are!:confused: Thanks everyone:D
There called Ordnance survey maps and the council has a definitive map. with all the routes marked on it. You buy the maps of the area you want. Then you make an appointment to view the definitive Map. then you mark your maps with the relevant routes. & Hey Presto you have all the lanes marked up.

If however you think that people are just going to tell a complete newbie where the lanes are then I'm afraid that's highly unlikely to happen. As that tends to lead to the lanes getting ripped to shreds or frantic pleas for help on the forum after they have got themselves stuck to the axles in thick mud.

Your best option is to accept the offers of a place on a greenlaning trip and go with people who know what they're doing. And who will get you home if you break anything.
THANKYOU REDHAND and others! I have been told. I am away overseas, and will be back in a few weeks. I will hope to get invites to go on the lanes when I get back. There was also a 70's tv show called 'the Red Hand Gang'. Which I liked then. - I guess I am now a member of the up to date version now!:D
Hi, i am also an uneducated (only to green lanes) green laner too. All my mates think its a strange thing for a girl to want to do!!!! but here i am and also from Hertfordshire!!! Maybe we will bump into each other on the greenlanes of Herts
Hi, i am also an uneducated (only to green lanes) green laner too. All my mates think its a strange thing for a girl to want to do!!!! but here i am and also from Hertfordshire!!! Maybe we will bump into each other on the greenlanes of Herts

Just don't go by yerself :p
Well, there are a group of us who regularly get together, sometimes for an evening and sometimes for a full day or two's laning. We're based in Herts ( or thereabouts). You'd be welcome to hook up with some of us. You won't get left behind (trust me I' hold the record for being stuck for long periods!).


I can tell you from experience that Pikey is right... if you go laning alone you will get into trouble. I did it when I first started laning and had to wait for a friend to drive 30 miles to rescue me. We drove the same lane the next day and took 8 hours to get through it!

And no... I still haven't lived it down but hopefully some people will gain from my stupidity.

Theres a thread called Hertfordshire Green Lanes... go to the last page and say Hi, I am sure someoone will be out in the next few days or weekends and we're always welcoming new people from our area.