New faultmate FCR for P38 any good?

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Hiya IrishRover
Thank you for the welcome, and in fact thank you all for the warm welcome.

Despite my initial inability to resist poking a bit of fun, given the hacking type comments of the thread thus far, i hope you can all forgive me, see the funny side as much as i did, and mostly accept that i am by no means some shop talking corporate suit type who cares more about the bottom line than helping others.

I am just a chap who is as much a victim of whatever it is about Land Rovers that causes us all to love such often troublesome vehicles as anyone.

Hiya Rick
Fancy Bumping into you here :)
Indeed, It does seem like a nice place to hang out, and indeed i am fortunate enough that my job of the last near 15 years does mean that i do have a wealth of knowledge that as you will already know, I am and have always been quite willing to share and use to help out whenever and wherever i can. I certainly do prefer halping someone out with a technical problem over bangin on with shop talk.

But i guess despite my not really wanting to, i can't avoid talking shop a bit here though, as the thread is a question about i am most able to supply the best answer to and any information about, and for sure it's probably what most readers would want to know even if it means slipping into BBS mode for a short while..

IE FCR for P38.

Announced a day before RSW announced the start of something that would amount to no more than is already availiable in the form of the ELM327, our FCR was released with all CAN bus system coverage.

We added CAN bus coverage first as its the most standardised and covers the most systems in the most models for the same effort. We did have to cut some corners to get the FCR out before Christmas though, ie Multi lingual support and self locking to VIN. And we have spent the first couple of weeks this year adding that in. Which effectively means we are already behind scheduled developments by a couple of weeks :doh:

Digressing a little and with your indulgence, I noticed that VIN locking was also mentioned and while it seems like a big drawback to our systems and i accept this can put people off, but i would like to try and ratify that in the hope some might better appreciate why we do that at all and why it really is not a bad thing.

For us developing diagnostic hardware or software is no part time hobby, For us diagnostic equipment cannot and must not be some hit and miss affair. After all, you can't measure voltages or resistances with a multi meter you cannot trust absolutely 100% and working with dodgy and mis leading test equipment can often be worse than having none at all.

So we only produce, professional equipment that has nothing less that the best degree of communication reliability that there is and we are renowned for this, along with having the best access capability and support functionality that there is. This extended development and endless testing, especially on the older timing problematic vehicle systems does however come at a price, and once upon a time our equipment cost several thousands and was only really affordable initially by businesses, who really did and do make the most of it.

However we felt that enthusiasts should also have the chance to buy and benefit from our equipment. As such we changed or marketing to provide the ability to purchase only software for specific vehicle systems and we produced much lower cost hardware. After all I got into this to help people, aspecially Land Rover lovers like me most of all.

Many were glad of this lower cost equipment, especially smaller businesses, but still the cost of a system to cover an entire single car like the P38 was well over a grand.

However, In exchange for limiting the usability of a system to one single vehicle which true "my own Vehicle" entusiasts should not mind, i did however impliment single Vehicle licencing for more like a third of that.

I won't mention exact figures, as i believe that is presently inapropriate and disrespectful of commercial aspects of this site to do so.

I respect therefore that single a VIN system might be seen as a drawback but only if you consider our system in any way comparable to some others, based on price alone. But you must consider in another system will also be extremly dependable and reliable in operation, doing what it is supposed to absolutely flawlessly, and will be backed by extensive development, testing and the know how that we have alone paid a very heavy price to have availaible to build into any of our products.

Which brings me neatly back onto topic.
The FCR is already astounding those (CAN BUS vehicle owners) who have purchased it, with its sheer speed and how well it just does exactly what it says on the Tin in such a fuss free manner. Even some who have one of our full systems are often at a loss for words.

This would perhaps be good enough news alone if we were attempting to develop and add to the FCR and its capability and coverage from scratch, having no prior "how to" knowledge and experience to help us. However as everyone knows, regarding earlier vehicles like the P38 we already have very extensive in house expertise on our side. We know excatly what the FCR needs to do and how to make it do it. In essence meaning that there is no question of If we can do it, or how good it might be at all, only how long it will take us !!!

Although we may be a couple of weeks behind schedule on FCR development, that's really not so bad, and we would easily hope to have 2002 on L322 systems added within the next 2 or 3 weeks. After then its on to the P38's systems next and although this might take 2, 3, 4 or more weeks, i am guessing that earlier Gems Vehicles are the most needy, i would have my team concentrate on those first and happily consider a part complete release that would cover them first if we got bogged down over much. So You really are looking like mid to late Feb before we can release P38 FCR capability, although i do have to say that although it will represent quite a tool for the money, with the Pound Growing stronger against our base Euro though and me just having updated our exchange rates, i would in all fairness have to advise anyone to check out current full system prices. You might be plesently surprised.

Now i really do have the full corporate suit on i guess. So before i take it off again, and perhaps in relection and recompense of the boards indulgence in allowing me to wear it for this short while. I would like to announce that i would happily offer any member (ie anyone who is not obviosly a newbie) a 10% discount on all BBS products.
Thanks Sirus & Cavey P38
I can understand how beneficial it is to hear news of such progress direct from the horses mouth, so to speak, and although it sure ain't easy when you have a passion for what you do, i do try as best i can to lay off the corporate banter.

Cavey P38, thats a serious and on going offer i make with no current time limitation.
If i have any intent to withdraw it, i will give at least a months notice.

It might seem a bit out of the blue given my short time here, however it is no less than i already offer on some other forums.

I have not yet looked into the situation here, regarding commercial posting aspects, and as yet have not even decided as to if i need to, given that my main reason for joining at all was and is not commercially motivated. After all, what we do is already renowned and valid enough in its own right to need me banging on about it any more ;-) Trust me, it may be what i happen to do, but it is certainly not who i am. ;)

From what i have read and experienced thus far, particularly with Rick The Pick whose judgment and comment i trust, the members of this forum do seem friendly, appreciative and understanding enough as it is.

But as i have already suggested as much as i dare, just this week i have edited the fixed exchange rate of Euro to GBP on our web sites shop which has been fixed and needed changing for almost a year now, much to my shame. But to be fair we have been busy with other stuff. As a result prices of SV Kits have therefore fallen as much as 75 or 80 GBP for the most common.

To put that into perspective, you may be impressed and interested that i offer a 10% discount, but in fact GBP prices have also already dropped within the week by a heavy percentage as well. In essence a full blown p38 kit from us is now available at a damned site less that what it was last week.
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A Tale of Caution re aftersales support and service as experienced by me.......

Bought a new Faultmate Extreme SV kit around November-ish 2009 sometime having wanted one for years and years but could never afford it......having scraped up enough for it, after 5 years of owning my Rangie, I got one via a local approved supplier whose price was around the same as Black Box as Black Box refused to deliver to my alternative address where I'm working on fulltime contract (no-one at home address to sign in the day) if I used any kind of bank card, only if I deposited cash in their bank account which I felt left me completely unprotected should anything go wrong or the item go missing etc. . .....
I also bought a Toughbook so I could run the software apart from my usual laptop, but got a USB /SERIAL cable just in case I needed to run a newer laptop.

I struggled to even begin to register the kit due to the very very laborious and cumbersome process in place at the time to register on the Blackbox Forum, (which you have to do as a first step in one of dozens before you are allowed to use the kit) let alone even plug it in to my Rangie's OBD11 port. It was a huge, frustrating struggle, and all over in the booklet accompanying the kit, the luckless purchaser was warned that they should under NO circumstances bother the precious dudes at Blackbox with questions about registering etc as these questions were all far too stupid to even be entertained, and that in case of query, the booklet should be re-read several hundred times until you "got it right".

Eventually, I gave up trying to register the kit. I now have what is essentially a useless piece of unregistered hardware for which I paid over £600 at the time, and only around 2 or so months later, its worth more or less nothing due to the price cuts / newer hardware now out.

Not my finest purchase, I know it would have been great if I could actually have plugged it in and used it on my car, but despite forking out a substantial amount on the kit, I was stopped from using it by the incredibly unhelpful, and I must say, rather arrogant, attitudes of those who own / run Blackbox. I've given up on it as I just don't have the hours and hours and hours of messing about necessary to be allowed to use what I paid for - I'm using my BMW now due to changed circumstances, but the purchase of the kit I 'd wanted for so long, at such a high price, which I have never been able to use because of the obstructive registration procedure, still rankles. Blackbox could certainly be a bit more helpful to buyers of their products, however good the product is and however clever they may be........

I always recommended the kit as I knew it did the job but never realised just how obstructive the process of trying to get the registration number (which I still don't have) would be. :eek:

Will prob just keep it as a momento of Range Rover ownership......unused and never registered, not for lack of trying!!:eek::eek: :doh:
welcome welcome welcome
my rovacom 2 is the best thing i purchased event tho the p38 has gone i can use it on the disco 2 td5 and have helped loads of other users.
however you cant please all the people all the time
shurley if you can t get the kit to work all it requires is a few emails to the manufacturer/supplier

steve y
welcome welcome welcome
my rovacom 2 is the best thing i purchased event tho the p38 has gone i can use it on the disco 2 td5 and have helped loads of other users.
however you cant please all the people all the time
shurley if you can t get the kit to work all it requires is a few emails to the manufacturer/supplier

steve y

That's just the problem - they refuse to provide registration support via email! Yu are just referred constantly to the contents of the small booklet sent with the kit. Its a real shame, as it was always excellent kit - I saw it in operation (the older Rovercom) many times.

That's a damned shame you never got your head around the licencing procedure.

You receive the faultmate, you email blackbox, blackbox send you the licencing codes, you type in the licencing codes into the faultmate. Where did it go wrong? If it doesn't work, contact your distributer. It's the first time i've heard of one not getting licenced.

It's a great piece of kit & can do everything & more than the main dealer's own system.

I'm a prolific user of all blackbox's systems, from the very early stuff to the latest & have recommended these system's to our own customers.
Mr BBS Guy, has already read Rangiegals comments of 2 days ago DM68. ;)
I got one via a local approved supplier whose price was around the same as Black Box as Black Box refused to deliver to my alternative address

and this alternate version of reason from him made some time before
bought a Faultmate MSV-2 Extreme today...collected it from RPi directly as they're in Norwich and I'm based here for a while.

I also read this statement from him
they refuse to provide registration support via email!

which is interesting give this paragraph in the little getting started book.
Should you have any problem accessing the help pages, filling in
the on line form or getting into the owners area or support forum,
you can e-mail us for help at [email protected],
however please note that: under no circumstances should you email
us for support related to any other matter because
technical support for our systems hardware and software will
not be provided by any other method other than through the
technical support forum. There is nothing more telling for us than
someone who has just received their system e-mailing us asking
questions which patently show that they did not even bother to read
this document, never mind follow it.

here is another almost predictive quote from the book
Although seeming like a purely academic step, and you will of
course want to see your new diagnostic equipment working as soon
as possible, please skip this step only after having understood and
accepted responsibility for the consequences. This is because
failure to properly perform this step will ultimately result in an
inability to install and configure the system, correctly operate the
system, which is like no other you will have ever experienced
before, and at the very least result in frustration, loss of confidence
and a loss of maximum benefit.

Almost every day I also read comments about our support and service such as this one which is less than an hour old

Thanks again for your persistence and superior support with this niggling

With best regards,


Of course some of the stuff you read is quite obviously complete and utter rubbish that makes no sense at all,

but other stuff makes a lot of sense and sums up things most accurately
you can't please all the people all the time

It does not take a genius to figure out which is which though.
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That's a damned shame you never got your head around the licencing procedure.

You receive the faultmate, you email blackbox, blackbox send you the licencing codes, you type in the licencing codes into the faultmate. Where did it go wrong? If it doesn't work, contact your distributer. It's the first time i've heard of one not getting licenced.

It's a great piece of kit & can do everything & more than the main dealer's own system.

I'm a prolific user of all blackbox's systems, from the very early stuff to the latest & have recommended these system's to our own customers.

There was a complicated procedure about having to register on their forums before they would send you a code, so I did, but it took several tries and persistance to do so - finally got a message that I was registered a few days later, then discovered that I couldn't get the codes anyway, as with P38s there is yet another procedure first, something about having to plug the system in first and send them various numbers from the boot up before they would send the codes. So no, not as simple as "emailing them, getting the codes by email and typing them in" - very far from it in fact!!! If only!!!

I agree it is a great system, its just the fact that I can't use it because I can't get the codes for it that I have a problem with. I also bought the expensive Extreme version as it has the built in screen and I was led to believe you don't need a laptop for it. Actually, you do - but you only find this out much much later!!

The software they provided won't run on my Vista laptop, so I bought an older Toughbook for it, but I can't get the software onto the Toughbook : Windows 95 needs drivers for anything and everything and the USB drives just don't work on it and neither does the disc work in the cd drive. So I bought a USB / SERIAL cable and tried again on the Vista laptop, only to find I had to get all this extra info from the car and email it to them before they would talk to me about the codes. By this time (it took a few weeks) the Rangie was back in the Midlands on my drive, and I was working in Norfolk, where I still am, so it just wasn't physically possible to do that at the time and there was no-one else who could do it for me either.

My circumstances have now changed and I am driving a BMW, but the Faultmate sits dusty and unused, a complete waste, purely because the registration procedure was so difficult and obstructive, otherwise the kit would have been immediately connected to the car, and it would have been used a lot already. If I was at home, where the car and the kit is at present, and using the Rangie daily as I was, then I would have gone through the hugely exasperating and frustrating procedure of eventually getting the codes. As it is, I am not able to access the Rangie ow during daylight hours and am more than 200 miles from it, so the cumbersome procedure will have to wait till the days get longer and I am able to get the info from the car.

The distributor would help but they too need the car in order to get these codes, and it is over 200 miles away now because the procedure just took so long and there were obstructions at every turn, and the car is now no longer in the Norwich area.
Response to BBS Guy

Firstly, there is nothing whatsoever conflicting about how I bought the Faultmate - I made enquiries via your website, you refused to deliver it to an alternative address unless I paid cash into your bank account. End of. As I would have had no comeback if you had somehow not received this cash deposited in your bank account (not the bank's recommended way to make purchases, I must say!), and you were completely inflexible on the matter, I looked for an alternative. As I was in Norwich on contract, RPi was a viable alternative and I had the Rangie with me at the time but due to the registration procedures taking days instead of minutes, the kit could not be instantly registered and the car had to be returned to the Midlands without the kit being registered. Then it transpired I needed a laptop to run it although the kit I had purchased was the Extreme , the point of which was that the user did NOT need a laptop and that it had its own integrated screen.

As for supplying support by email - well, you are quite clear that you DON'T supply the codes / technical assistance re your products etc by any other way than your "technical support forums", so no direct email contact with a client as warned in the booklet. I tried the "support" email address and was referred to the booklet. Having a very demanding professional career and working 16-24 hours a day, it was simply not viable at the time to continue to seemingly endlessly struggle to register the system at that time. I don't need to use it right now so it is no longer a priority for me at the moment.

Oh, you may think smartass comments and attempts to make out I'm a liar are incredibly funny- in fact, they aren't. Obviously, though, despite the clever clogs approach, you missed the clue in my name - I don't need a sex change by you or anyone else!!!

Customers don't look to be derided, demeaned and humiliated when they buy a product - yours or any others - I bought your product because I know it works well and I wanted one for years and looked forward to getting one. Just a pity that the attitudes I've encountered have so far been unhelpful and obstructive and have effectively prevented me from using the product I spent £600+ on. In a way, its water under the bridge as I don't need the product right now with the Rangie not being used as much anymore, but I have a right to let others know of my experience with your company and your "support", and the attitude exhibited towards me on a public forum, however good your products are and how well they function. :eek:
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ffs - stop having a pop at each other - we all know things go wrong from time to time.

Mr BBS guy - now is your opportunity to put it right.
Rangiegal - do you want it registered or just wanna have a pop?

Rangiegal - decide what you want out of this and BBS-guy - resolve it as best you can - show you care about customer satisfaction.

a good reputation is difficult to get back :rolleyes:
ffs - stop having a pop at each other - we all know things go wrong from time to time.

Mr BBS guy - now is your opportunity to put it right.
Rangiegal - do you want it registered or just wanna have a pop?

Rangiegal - decide what you want out of this and BBS-guy - resolve it as best you can - show you care about customer satisfaction.

a good reputation is difficult to get back :rolleyes:

I couldn't agree more, MHM. The product is undeniably a good one, but the customer service let me down very very badly in several areas. Personally, I'd like to be able to use the Faultmate and not just have a "dead" piece of electronics lying around gathering dust, useless to everyone but the seller who made £600 from it.

It was just one of the factors that led me to change primary vehicle away from the Rangie, as diagnosing faults was getting pricey, hence the purchase of the kit, and as I had seemingly wasted the money on something I could never use as I couldn't register it, it was a factor in my decision to change primary car as family needs had changed as illness / needing different seats etc.

Ideally, registering the kit would be helpful to ultimately sell my Rangie and sell the kit with it. Selling the unregistered kit to someone who may have more luck registering it than I did, now that a much much cheaper kit that does exactly the same things is on the cards, doesn't seem to make sense as it would be worth less than half of what I paid for it and may as well benefit the next owner of the car. Or I may keep it on a shelf in case a brand new Holland and Holland or Linley pops up and I have a garage or space to keep an extra vehicle again!

Simples really - Customer pays money +wants working goods in exchange for money, and a pleasant interaction with the seller! Not rocket science, but you're right - it all went completely wrong in my case, and IMHO the arrogance from the seller was breathtaking, as was the reluctance to remedy the situation. If it had been resolved and the kit registered, there would never have been a reason to highlight the issue in a post. People should have the opportunity to know that problems exist with Black Box "customer service" which have not been resolved in my case- well, not yet anyway.

At the time, my impression was that the guys at Black Box were making a fortune from the sales of their equipment and my experience of being treated like s"£t could just be dismissed and ignored by them as they monopolised the market for this particular product for the diy p38 owner, and their product was / is a good one, so people could be treated in any way they pleased, as there was a plentiful supply of customers.....

But I'd be very happy indeed to resolve the problem satisfactorily.....

If you get your laptop sorted out, one with xp & the correct port for the lead, I'll talk you through the procedure of plugging the extreme into the vehicle & extracting the correct info blackbox need's to licence your specific modules.

This can only be done on your vehicle so the extreme can work out what modules you need. This is achieved by the using vehicle scan, & at present, that's the only module you have licenced at this moment.

Just let me know when you want another attempt.
Well as everyone knows, especially BBS Guy, the force must be balanced with both a dark and light side. I would like to try and bring some light. I too found the product registration, scanning the vehicle then receiving and inputting the TUP codes a little confusing. I had serious issues getting a complete scan of all my systems, but I have to say, despite me being a little foolish (no one told me I had to have the cruise control button on during the scan:eek: ) the support I got from Gabriella and the others was second to non. They where more than patient and walked me through the whole process. Also I had an issue with some rougue readings from my O2 sensors and this problem was sorted out within a couple of weeks - now you may think that seems like a long time, but when it involves testing systems and re-writing software to correct an error, I am sure those who have an understanding of software will appreciate it is not long. Any questions I have about the system either serious or stupid are answered almost immediatly through the excellent support forum.
If I may make a suggestion, perhaps a page or two on the BBS site with a walkthrough that potential buyers can view so they can understand what will happen when they purchase, recomended computer platforms (I did have an issue with my Vista laptop, but ran the Vehicle explorer in Windows XP compatability mode and it was fine) Demo videos of creating vehicle scan and just an idiots guide. I found my boklet confusing as it had been stapled together back to front:confused:
Anyway, that I think is some balance restored.

Now where was that link to the T4 on Rapidshare ? :eek:
Hello all
Let me start off by truly and most sincerely apologizing for not noting the very slight clue in your name Rangiegal and just assuming you were male.
However i suspect i am not alone in not realizing you are female

Before moving on, might i also thank The Mad Hat Man for adding his most diplomatic input, truly an asset to this board.
And also to Rick The Pick and Rewmer for their balancing input and helpful comments. :)

I did post a long attempt at trying to get Rangiegal to see at least some of our point of view, but in reflection, and in re re reading her further and somewhat abrasive comments, i now realize in the cold light of day, that I would be just wasting my time.
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WOW........ I only asked if the FCR was going to be any good......
BTW Colin.. how would a person claim their 10% discount when ordering on line ?? xas and when the P38 kit is ready?

Paul ;-D