@mike .. et al .. re :
it feels to add some extra boost to a part of the rpm range preselected via some mini-switches
( a torque graph might show a bulge coinciding with chosen rpm range )
there's positions .. L / M / M-H / H .. to choose from
with the td4's vnt type turbo .. i imagine the device alters the behaviour of the turbo vanes
one by-product of its' operation .. seems to be .. adding a bit of engine braking ..
i.e. when right foot is let slightly off the go-pedal .. mid cruise ..
but not when foot is 'completely-off-the-pedal' .. as that i assume makes the vanes' angle as 'no-boost'
i tried all the settings over a few days driving ..
H .. seemed a bit useless for the td4 .. it starts at 2800 rpm aprox.
M-H .. was interesting .. but engine coughed once at passing 2800 rpm under full go-pedal ..
.. and as i didn't want H in the equation .. decided to go with ..
M .. where i spend most of the time in regards to engine rpm ..
.. only issue with M is that the power delivery is 'peaky' ..
.. a bit undesirable ( for me ) when using lower gears in slow traffic ..
.. but .. out on the open ( ha ha ) road .. it's brilliant !!

L .. didn't seem to do much .. consigned it to the 'maybe-good-for-off-road' catagory
i was hoping the L setting would enchance engine response time to go-pedal movement .. When ..
using the lower power setting on the ron-box 2a .. but L setting didn't seem to help ..
so motored on using the M setting .. 'n having a bit of go-pedal fun ..
and .. Then ..
i installed that air-intake mod ..
and was very suprised at the very positive difference it made to engine performance ..
( initialy i fully expected it to make little if any difference ..
( apart from contracting the time it takes to remove the air-filter housing ..
so .. today .. gave the L setting another go ..
figuring that it might quicken the engine response to the Lower ron-box 'torque' ( below 2500 rpm ) settings
i.e. when taking off from a complete halt .. 1st and 2nd gears .. especially uphill !!
( by 3rd gear the air flow is moving fine so engine response quicker )
and .. it worked just fine
.. the lower rpm range now has the dgb1 'feel' ..
feels a bit like one could easily use a hand lever instead of a go-pedal ..
bit like a power-boat or aircraft ..
( that was the first thing i noticed about the dgb1 ..
( when climbing hills .. little or no go-pedal was needed when the hill got suddely steeper half way up ..
plus that odd engine braking as described above .. but not so pronounced ..
it's a 'useable' oddity
nice thing is there's now a smooth feeling 'curve' from the power delivery .. thru the rpm range
and zero complaints from the engine at v.low rpm when put under load ..
( .. depending on gear selection obviously

.. )
am currently under the impression .. pending futher investigation .. that ..
both the dgb1 .. and the intake-mod .. also offer better mpg potential ..