bit of an update work on the transfer box has been slow
i have lots done but as like always other things keep coming up
current state of play is input gear is shimmed fitted and "snug" (which is the technical term im using for enough drag)
the center diff is build up with the new hdpin
the centter diff is a little tiny bit notchy but as the washers are fiber i think it will give once its used and submersed in oil. i recon it needed two or a 29 and a 30 but i had to use a 31 as what ever i needed i cant get
the main shalft is build and shimmed and is "Snug" in the casing.
the selectors are build and ready to fit.
all i really have to do it the intermediat shalft and bolt the casings on
but as i said other things have got in the way...
one of wich my drivers seat deciding it wanted to split from the base so driving round right hand bends my seat tryed to put me in the passenger side not ideal i must say.
i have had to fabricate and weld repair sections for the base and then found the floor had fist sized hols in it what i thougt was floor pan was actuly a MUD PLUG lol
so after a bit of cutting/removing rust i have this
the top right is the second hole i have already repaired which also had the body mount and seat holes bit of a fiddle but perfect fit.
this is after a grind down and a coat of hammerite looks like new