Missing infotainment system in Vogue 2010 TDV8 facelift version

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Hmmm, the orange light on the radio console flashes orange all the time. I wonder would it help by disconnecting the battery negative for 10 minutes to let everything reboot? with the odd fibre cable that went nowhere, I can't see where else it could go apart from looping back on itself. The guy I bought the car from assured me(haha) it would simply be a case of plugging in a replacement radio module in the back. Maybe it would need a code reset?
In the black plug that has the looped cable, there was a little blue tab that prevented that rom being plugged if fully. I removed the blue tag to plug it all the way in. Is that the right thing to do?

Nothing I have ever touched or owned that is computerised has ever,ever, worked as it should, from a simle mobile phone to car electronics or a pocket calculator.
Looks like you have connected it up wrong, all you have done is looped the in to the out. Have you got a better picture that shows where the white fibres go?
If you look at @Blob pic you can see how some of them route,

If you have a break in that fibre circuit, nothing will work, that is guaranteed. If you don't recreate the loop you're on a hiding to nothing.

Each module on the fibre circuit has effectively an In and an Out. Light and data come down one side and out the other onto the next module, when the circuit completes the data is delivered. Your unit is not receiving data so it sits there waiting.

The one that you say "seems to go nowhere" is part of a 3 terminal set of fibres that someone has removed half of. Why? Goodness only knows but we can fairly safely say that it was someone who had no idea what they were doing.

Not sure if you'll be able to make it out in this pic from when I stripped out my 2010 model 3.6 but hopefully you can see the white fibres appearing at 3 modules in the set there.

The cable is a sort of Y shape

Here's a pic of an aftermarket one to try and explain it better
Looks like you have connected it up wrong, all you have done is looped the in to the out. Have you got a better picture that shows where the white fibres go?
If you look at @Blob pic you can see how some of them route,

View attachment 328399
Yeah, that ain't gonna work, the one returning to all other modules is still swinging in the breeze! It can't done without buying some joiners, loops and the Y cable to get those to play together.

It should be marked on the connector which side is input and output too. This is also critical.
ok. I think fibre B is too long for that position and someone has been messing to bypass the TV module.
If you can remove B from the plug and put it in C, then put A where B was C will then go into the TV module and Bobs your whatsit.

That makes sense no, yes, I'll try that over the weekend. By doing the loop I was hoping that would recreate the adaptor wires that are on the way from China. I suspected somebody had been messing with the wiring! I didn't want to start unwiring things!
Yes, having just found a video on here of similar problems with an earlier Vogue I now understand how it all works and thought that maybe someone had tinkered with the fibre cables. I had a similar problem on a vintage coach a few years ago, with the heating system not working. 2 3" diameter pipes with a couple of heater units plumbed across the two. Someone had misunderstood the water flow and plumbed the units in parallel with the 3" pipe, so water took the easist rout, the 3" pipe, not the 1/2" heater pipes! Problem soon sorted.
Thanks for your help and patience on this one. the other half is borrowing the car in the morning, but I may just have enough daylight to sort this when she gets back.
No doubt. :) I'll be surprised, me and technology never go hand in hand. Me and big hammers, yes. :). I don't know how long the "facelift" Vogues were made for, they seem to be a bit of a rarity.
Life is never simple. I've re-wired as suggested and still no radio! There's a flashing red light on the connector and a flashing red light on the TV connector, so presumably that indicates the MOST is compete. The screen lights up with Range Rover on it, but the controls don't work. Theres no sign of damp on the black module, so I guess it'll be a waiting game until the bypass bits arrive.

I'm wondering if I swap over the pair of fibre cables in the back of the TV module, would that make a difference? in old terminolgy swap + for -? Are they signal in/signal out? Here's what I've got at the moment.


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I'd suggest trying the phone module as that's been messed with. You should be able to see a light in the fibre and a light in the module where the fibre goes. The fibre with the light goes in the module connection without the light.