Midlands laning

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As said before you thick ****, that is sailsbury plain. If you have no idea where it is done or the "rules of the place" it was done at i suggest you **** off and grow a brain cell.

Is he up to his axels in mud? No
Is he using a winch on a greenlane? No
He is churning it up? No
Was the ground underneath mainly rock? Yes

I could go on but you are not worth my time and effort.
such a way with words haven't you NOT AND YOU BEEING A SENOUR MEMBER
no just a bit ****ed about people moaning if its not about videos it taking the **** about spelling think ill **** of becouse canot get any where with some people on here have a nice life
I do belive i have a better way with words than you ;)

As for not wanting to carry it on... Why did you post another video that has shows no one doing anything wrong and try and start the argument again? It was over as far as i was concerned.

Face it, What you should do is go to a Pay and play site if you want to practice winch recovery and go mud plugging. Winching is very dangerous and if you are not properly trained it is even more dangerous (Not saying that none of you are, because i don't know..). You are also doing it on public land... Don't suppose you have public liability insurance in-case you behead a walkers or something do you?

Ramblers and "greenies" would love to see greenlaning banned and by posting video evidence of you ripping greenlanes up it ain't going to help our cause of keeping them open in slightest, Your video has probably undone a load of work done by GLASS, It just ain't fair on the rest of us that don't want to go mud plugging but want to do some "gental" greenlaning and enjoy ourselfs.

What area are you guys from? I am sure there is a pay and play near you that you could go to instead of ripping up lanes.

i posted the vid to prove a point that we all do that sort of thing be it on sailsbury plane or not as for winching what would you do if your stuck leave you truck there or get some one to tow you out ie ripping the ground up with truck thats trying to pull anyone out
no just a bit ****ed about people moaning if its not about videos it taking the **** about spelling think ill **** of becouse canot get any where with some people on here have a nice life
Terry do you wake up more n more stupid every day?
As for the fella threatening legal action...:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughithats like ronnie briggs sueing old bill for wrongful inprisonment.Worra bunch of Cu-nt monkeys.
i posted the vid to prove a point that we all do that sort of thing be it on sailsbury plane or not as for winching what would you do if your stuck leave you truck there or get some one to tow you out ie ripping the ground up with truck thats trying to pull anyone out
:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:eek:h god make it stop:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:
not as for winching what would you do if your stuck leave you truck there or get some one to tow you out ie ripping the ground up with truck thats trying to pull anyone out

I would not go down the lane, as i know i would get stuck. :rolleyes:

I don't have a winch, and if i ever get one it will probably be a capstan for hauling logs and what not. Simply put, you should never need one on a Greenlane, if you do need one you should not be driving that lane.