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New Member
good morning. I have a problem with my lt77 suffix G gearbox. For a few months when I put it in reverse if I didn't hold the gear lever with my hand the gear would pop out banging like tok tok. For a couple of days I put it in reverse but the reverse gear won't engage. Do you have any advice before I disassemble and overhaul the entire gearbox. Thanks. A big hello to all lovers of these tractors.
Good morning. Sorry if I'm just replying now....but I had to have knee ligament surgery. other than that we are now back here. In the meantime, thanks for the advice. I adjusted the reverse gear switch. I dismantled the gearbox and noticed this. In the photos the right side is visible and noticeably worn. is this normal? By the way, I didn't find any metallic remains in the gear oil. Advice, experiences to share. Excuse my English....I'm starting an intensive course in January. Greetings


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actually this is the gearbox oil magnet. is there something wrong?


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actually this is the gearbox oil magnet. is there something wrong?
If that is all just soft sludge I would be ok with it. How often do you change the oil, if an unknown box then I would certainly be ok with it. It is if there are any larger pieces or shiny oil that I would be concerned.
Se si tratta solo di fanghi morbidi, sarei d'accordo. Quanto spesso cambi l'olio, se è una scatola sconosciuta, sarei d'accordo. Sono i pezzi più grandi o l'olio lucido che mi preoccuperei.
grazie per la risposta dag019. Io cambio l'olio regolarmente infatti è bello rossastro come quando l'ho versato dentro il cambio. i frammenti metallici non sono esattamente polvere, ma "schegge" di varie dimensioni massimo 3mm. scusate la mia ignoranza. cosa intendi per "schegge" grandi? pezzi di ingranaggio? sto cercando la soluzione al problema sopra menzionato. il cambio dalla 1a alla 5a marcia funziona perfettamente. il problema si verifica quando inserisco la retromarcia. se non tengo la mano sulla leva del cambio in posizione di retromarcia salta fuori. ma anche se tengo la mano lì il cambio fa un forte rumore "tok tok tok tok". sembra che la marcia non sia innestata correttamente o che manchi un dente sul pignone del cambio. guardando il magnete non ci sono pezzi di ingranaggio grandi. quindi sto cercando soluzioni.thanks for the reply dag019. I change the oil regularly in fact it is nice and reddish like when I poured it inside the gearbox. the metal fragments are not exactly dust, but "splinters" of various sizes maximum 3mm. excuse my ignorance. what do you mean by large "splinters"? pieces of gear? I am looking for the solution to the problem mentioned above. the gearbox from 1st to 5th gear works perfectly. the problem arises when engaging reverse. if I don't keep my hand on the gear lever in the reverse gear position it pops out. but even though I keep my hand there the gearbox makes a loud "tok tok tok tok" noise. It seems as if the gear is not properly engaged or a tooth is missing on the gear pinion. Looking at the magnet there are no large pieces of gear. so I am looking for solutions.
grazie per la risposta dag019. Io cambio l'olio regolarmente infatti è bello rossastro come quando l'ho versato dentro il cambio. i frammenti metallici non sono esattamente polvere, ma "schegge" di varie dimensioni massimo 3mm. scusate la mia ignoranza. cosa intendi per "schegge" grandi? pezzi di ingranaggio? sto cercando la soluzione al problema sopra menzionato. il cambio dalla 1a alla 5a marcia funziona perfettamente. il problema si verifica quando inserisco la retromarcia. se non tengo la mano sulla leva del cambio in posizione di retromarcia salta fuori. ma anche se tengo la mano lì il cambio fa un forte rumore "tok tok tok tok". sembra che la marcia non sia innestata correttamente o che manchi un dente sul pignone del cambio. guardando il magnete non ci sono pezzi di ingranaggio grandi. quindi sto cercando soluzioni.thanks for the reply dag019. I change the oil regularly in fact it is nice and reddish like when I poured it inside the gearbox. the metal fragments are not exactly dust, but "splinters" of various sizes maximum 3mm. excuse my ignorance. what do you mean by large "splinters"? pieces of gear? I am looking for the solution to the problem mentioned above. the gearbox from 1st to 5th gear works perfectly. the problem arises when engaging reverse. if I don't keep my hand on the gear lever in the reverse gear position it pops out. but even though I keep my hand there the gearbox makes a loud "tok tok tok tok" noise. It seems as if the gear is not properly engaged or a tooth is missing on the gear pinion. Looking at the magnet there are no large pieces of gear. so I am looking for solutions.
If when you rub it between your fingers it is smooth not a problem, If it is solid splinters of 3mm, then it is likely to be more serious with one of the gears beginning to break up. in this case as mentioned above potentially the reverse idler
If when you rub it between your fingers it is smooth not a problem, If it is solid splinters of 3mm, then it is likely to be more serious with one of the gears beginning to break up. in this case as mentioned above potentially the reverse idler
The oil does not seem to contain metal dust, it is nice and clear and transparent. If I have to replace this part of the gearbox, is it a complicated job? So it is better to turn to professional mechanics.....not Sunday mechanics like me. I looked on the web for tools to overhaul the gearbox, they cost a fortune. Thank you for the support and advice you gave me.