Landyzone Rescue Service

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Thanks Si, we really appreciate everyone that's offered us help, we do feel a bit silly, I guess the gung ho attitude doesn't always work :D
FFS Flumps I like yer style!! yer went frum WE to it was all GJ's Fault without even pausing fer a breathe. Yu is got style & will go a long way

Just not in GJ's landy.......:D
Seemed like a good idear at the time, s'only a short lane and it hadn't been raining much here, but don't blame me, I haffent got a landy and haffent got any experience and haffent got any common sense :D

Rule 1 is always walk a lane you've never driven before.
Rule 2 is always walk a lane you've only driven in the dry if it's been raining up to a week before you're about to drive it again.
Rule 3 is don't drive something, if you're alone, which you aren't SURE you can drive over without damaging either the lane, your vehicle or your LZ reputation.
Rule 4 is don't go laning alone unless you've read and understood rules 1 to 3, paying particular attention to rule 3 clause 3.

HB am taking lots of photies and vidyoos and will make a HB tribute movie :D

If it's anything like the Tweets tribute movie in yer sig... we int interested!

We're back at GJ's house for the evening with a beer and a pasty, providing the landy is still there in the morning it looks like we'll be calling lets or HB :D

Updates in the morning!!

Do plod definitely know the vehicle is there and is the vehicle blocking the ROW? If it is and you've not informed plod... take my advice and let them know now before you finish that beer ;)

Cheers and GL tomorrow,
We used to help lost souls passing through our area in Spain on the way to Morocco. Assistance with local Landrover garages, hostal / campsite bookings, language/ legal problems, vehicle storage if the driver had to return UK in an emergency. Even arranged a dinner booking for 28 people staying over in our town, ................. that was a good night. A free service, usually an exchange of club t-shirts and a beer as a thank you. It works if arranged properly, without abuse.
It's not blocking the ROW adz, it is around 3 vehicles wide at the point we are stuck, and we went through the hard bit :D oops. our non landrover competent friend was the one who thought we should ask the plod for help, and I think just about every Police call center knows about where we are and what we've done :rolleyes: He's a bit enthusiastic! Must be bed time, up early retrieving landrovers in the morning :D XD
:eek: :eek: :eek: :D


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i fink letsgoagin was first choice - as she is local, with Mondo/HB a close second.

i spose no-one else is in the Banbury area? dont Widget come from that way - or is he still in China or sum furreen parts?