Interesting yet constructive comments. I think the one about having 'expedition jumble' is especially a good one. From the start I decided that I wasn't going to have regular autojumble at ADVENTURE OVERLAND, there's other outlets for that, but secondhand sand ladders, roof tents, etc. could well work. Nice one!
Anyway, back to LandyLive! Why? Because I don't believe the big shows are run with the enthusiast in mind. They are run purely for profit, and by that I'm not just talking about paying their way to yield a reasonable profit, I'm talking about making a fortune out of owners. This is nothing new, it's been going on for years. Don't believe for a second that the major shows are run by Land Rover enthusiasts - with the exception of Eastnor, they are not - they are run by event companies whose entire business is financially led. Nothing wrong with companies making money, the country would be akin to a third world state otherwise, but there is massive difference between making a decent living and extracting the urine!
Last year I was charging £10 day admission for adults and free for kids under 16 yrs old, 'others' were charging £18 adults, children were £8. How on earth do they justify this? That is one expensive day out for a family of four!

This year because I moved to Stratford Racecourse I had to increase the admission to £12, this really stuck in my throat but I had no choice - racecourses don't come cheap. The same situation applies to camping, it's all wrong.
I won't go on, other than to say that folk have for some strange reason gone along with this situation for years, probably because there haven't been alternatives. All I'm going to do is provide a fun weekend for a reasonable price, its then up to owners to judge for themselves where they want to go. The way things are going, my feeling is that a major show will fall by the wayside this year anyway, you mark my words!
And BTW, if you come across any more little Hitlers,
please go to the Event Office so it can get sorted. Ta!