L322 L322 '03; Completely new to Landy's, so a couple of questions

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Hey all,

I registered here a while back when I wanted to find a nice P38 to replace my XJ6.
With Sweden not being all that dense with Land Rovers I never could find one. This weekend I did end up with a L322 '03 4.4 V8 Vogue.
Honestly I really, really like it (even though it's still a bit of a compromise when I really wanted the P38) - but I have a sneaky suspision it will give me reasons not to. ;)
But that's all part of it, right.
I did happen upon a couple of question marks, though. Was hoping to get some help on those.

1. Any particular fault code reader that's adviced? Never had a reason to get one before, but I think now might be the time.

2. My hoo... sorry, 'bonnet', cable is broken. While the previous owner was fine with using a plier to open I'm really not, so I'm looking to get that fixed. Problem is that the bonnet is latched closed, and I can't really feel like me tugging on the end of the cable is doing anything. And to change it I somehow need to get it open first. I've seen a bunch of threads about this specific issue, but I can't really grasp how to go about it. Anyone knows of links with video or pics on the matter?

3. Key is a bit fiddly. About half of the times I try to turn the car on it doesn't work. I can hear the *click* from the steering lock when I slot the key in, but it won't turn. I can then just pull it out and insert it again to get it to work. This is not a big thing as of now, but I have a sneaky suspicion that it might turn into something.
Anyone recognise this?

4. As it would seem that my car is missing the toolbox (else I can't just find it) I will need to get a hold of a correct socket for the wheel nuts in order to change my wheels for something a little more fitting for winter.
Does anyone know the size of original nuts? I took another car to work today, but was aiming to get the socket as soon as possible, really.

I'll leave 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 for another day. ;)
All kidding aside, I'm sure more trouble will arise and I'm really appreciative of any and all help on the matter.
So far I'm loving the car and the community it seems to come with. Both internationally and in Sweden. :)
Hi Anders. Welcome to Landyzone and to the RR world. Ive got a 2011 4.4 L322, which is similar to yours but not the same. I don’t have an ignition key, only a start button. Wheel nuts I think are 22mm - but I’m going from memory. Good luck with your bonnet cable, I read your thread on that.
Wheel nuts are 22, sometimes 23 if the chrome caps have corroded they expand, iv always just put full new nut set on then you know it’s all 22mm.
Sticky key sounds like ignition barrel, common issue on the pre 07 with the key down on centre console but still can happen on later, normally muck in the barrel, on both mine iv popped it out, blasted with wd40 then brake cleaner to help it dry then small puff of graphite lock powder and they have been fine.
Great cars just need bits of maintenance here and there.