Just got the light guards...

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Active Member
Hiya lads.

Just opened the box of parts that arrived and my light guards were inside.

However they had got me a little perplexed on the fittings.

No instructions for installing the guards although my common sense tells me it's a case of drilling 4 holes in the lannie for each guard.

So far so good. Yet the fittings are another story...

Here's some photo's:

One of the guards:


I'm figuring these are for the bottom end of the guards and will stay fixed into the metal frame so it'll pivot on these:


For the top bit these look the right bits:


I'm a little unsure about these little gromit threads. The undoer bits obviously screw into them through the holes but the drill-holes I'll be making in the frame of the lannie will mean they are flopping about when I poke 'em through right?




Has anyone fitted these exact guard types?

Advice appreciated.

Cheers lads.
I know what you're getting at, but it's nothing to worry about. As you tighten up the knobs, the threaded grommits will be drawn through the drilled hole in the wing until it's all nice and tight. Then again, it'd have made more sense for the lip around the grommit to have been perhaps twice the diametre and thickness that they are - just to make sure that they can't slip through the drill holes!

...it'd have made more sense for the lip around the grommit to have been perhaps twice the diametre and thickness that they are - just to make sure that they can't slip through the drill holes!

You are onto something there: if like normal over the counter rubber nuts, which I expect they are, when tightened up they actually crimp up a bit more on the back and will become twice the width.

They are essentially a rubber version of a riv nut, which are pretty damn good for low/medium strength fixings where you want a water tight seal, and also vibration reduction.
I have these exact same guards on my 90.
You're spot on with the bottom fixings but I used stainless bolts with lock nuts rather than self tappers. Be careful with the expanding top ones.
Mine are an older version and had riv-nuts instead of the rubber ones.
If you dont grease the threads and you over tighten them the bolt seizes in the nut and it spins when you try to undo them.
Mine had been fitted for some years by the dealers and all of them had seized. It took me all day to get them undone to change a head lamp bulb for MOT. I managed to get some mole grips on the back of the things and destroyed them in the process. I then used some new riv-nuts and made sure they were crimped up good and tight.
I'd recommend regular undoing and greasing to prevent the problem. I make sure mine can be undone once a month which is sad but true.
Thanks for all these tips lads.

I've fitted the light-guards now! They were pretty finicky at first but I got them in the end.

Like you say shifty I fitted stainless bolts and locknuts for the bottom fittings and oiled the threads.

This one I drilled out a bit too big so wrapped it in insulation tape for added grip...


First one:


Second one:




Job done :)

If you say so mate.

I'm sure if I swung a bar, branch or rock at your lights and mine I know which would smash first ;)
well i guess they look the part, style over substance etc .............

Well I wouldn't consider them a pretty looking thing / stylish at all but each to his own.

Get some pics of your grills up here and we'll see what the real deal is :)
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I've got the tool for doing the nut rivets as they are a complete bastard otherwise
Thanks for all these tips lads.

I've fitted the light-guards now! They were pretty finicky at first but I got them in the end.

Like you say shifty I fitted stainless bolts and locknuts for the bottom fittings and oiled the threads.

This one I drilled out a bit too big so wrapped it in insulation tape for added grip...


If that's how you've fitted the rubber nuts then you've possibly done it wrong!

The 'top hat' part is supposed to be to the outside, same as rivnuts, then as you tighten the bolt the metal insert of the nut crimps up the stem rubber to create a proper seal. Done a little quick sketch ... ;)


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I bought it for doing someones gaylander steps, can't remember how much I'll check the make tomorrow and post back
they are from laser tools see pic


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