Had the td5 for 5 weeks now 2 and a half of which it hasn't started. Got that sorted, as I predicted a combination of blocked tank filter and leaking fuel filter gasket. Should have done it myself but then I wouldn't now have a collection of electrical bits for free.
Got back on saturday drove home nice. Parked up and left it for a few hours. Nipped out to the shops and on the way back it suddenly lost power then refused to respond to the throttle.
Rang the garage and crawled down there today after the school traffic. Before I took it in I checked some voltages. The 5v supply to the tp sensor was reading .2v and the two sensor outputs added up to .2v and varied when I moved the pedal. So I concluded that the tp sensor was probably ok . The garage had it all day and were at a loss. Then late on in the day they rang and said it was fixed. Walked down and they said that unless calling it a ' useless piece of ****' qualified as a fix they really had no idea what it was. My money is on a poor/intermittent 5v supply from the ecu. Any thoughts?
Got back on saturday drove home nice. Parked up and left it for a few hours. Nipped out to the shops and on the way back it suddenly lost power then refused to respond to the throttle.
Rang the garage and crawled down there today after the school traffic. Before I took it in I checked some voltages. The 5v supply to the tp sensor was reading .2v and the two sensor outputs added up to .2v and varied when I moved the pedal. So I concluded that the tp sensor was probably ok . The garage had it all day and were at a loss. Then late on in the day they rang and said it was fixed. Walked down and they said that unless calling it a ' useless piece of ****' qualified as a fix they really had no idea what it was. My money is on a poor/intermittent 5v supply from the ecu. Any thoughts?