Just for transparency. At the bottom is the message from the chap who is supplying the storm kettle to replace our old worn out one. Its brand new, but 'second hand' never used - a bargain at £36.95 delivered as it cost him almost £60 new from Amazon. So we scored a bargain I think!!
Money squirted across via bank transfer. I threw the extra in the pot to secure this, also thanks to MHM for his donation for making this last minute addition possible.
Again a massive thanks to all LZer's who have donated towards the tents, pole kits, knives and the storm kettle - rest assured I will get photos of the troop using and enjoying the fantastic new kit that LZ has made possible.
Dear pontyslapper,
Hi ,
I've taken you at your word

(one ex boy scout to another) and ended the listing , you can whizz £36.95 over to my bank account via a bank transfer to
Never done this before so I don't even know how to give my PayPal details .............so it is a favour , under any normal circumstances I wouldn't end an auction early . Thanks anyway and it'll be sent on Monday .
Regards , Ray.