Bill Putney <
[email protected]> wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
> z wrote:
> >
> > [email protected] (Brent P) wrote in message news:<qG3xb.234391$275.877138@attbi_s53>...
> > > You put down alot of words but say nothing. Why is CO2 released in
> > > China less harmful than CO2 released in the USA?
> >
> > Cause there's less of it?
> > It's like the guy with the huge boombox on wheels car stereo
> > complaining it's unfair he has to keep it down when his neighbor
> > doesn't have to muffle his 2 inch wind chimes. After all, it's all
> > noise.
> Do you not understand that the question is about moving the production
> and therefore the same CO2 output from the U.S. to China due to
> double-standard rules, and that therefore the damage to the world
> environment is independent of the number of people in the country of
> origin and the same (or worse in China), only originating from China
> instead of the U.S.
They are going to move production of CO2 to China? All those
inefficient old coal-fired power plants are going to China? And do
what, export the electricity to the US, or sell the average Chinese
more electricity? How's that going to work? After all, the EPA has
been on the back of coal-fired powerplants and coal mining for decades
as the two biggest sources of pollution in the US currently, and the
regulations somehow haven't managed to move them to China yet, why are
CO2 regulations going to cause them to move?
Have you noticed how much manufacturing has moved to the thrid world
from the US already? Exactly what energy intensive manufacturers are
going to pack up and leave that have not already? Are the car
companies who are now starting to manufacture more in the US, despite
more environmental and labor regulation than the third world, going to
change their minds and close down again because of CO2 regulations?
And isn't 'generating less CO2 per unit of energy produced' just a
definition of the phrase 'energy efficiency'? Isn't every energy
company annual corporate report full of glowing pages about how they
are keeping their costs down by increasing energy efficiency? Doesn't
that actually lower the cost of power, in the long run? Isn't this
just a push to modernize or mothball old inefficient plants, sooner
than would happen anyway due to fuel costs? If they have to do so, why
would they want to build new plants in the third world where there
isn't any excess demand for more power, rather that refurbish old
plants or build new ones here in the US, where the demand is?
> Hence, Brent's very valid question: "Why is CO2 released in China less
> harmful than CO2 released in the USA?"
> Unless your goal is not really to reduce world polution as you claim,
> but instead do harm to the U.S. (i.e. introduce artificial
> inefficiencies into only the U.S. economy to redistribute world wealth),
> the question should make perfect sense. Your pretended ignorance of the
> question only reinforces the argument about the dishonesty of the
> so-called enviromentalists who are trying to "save the world" when it is
> clear what their real goals are.
> Bill Putney
> (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
> address with "x")
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